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My ideas: Application

Showing 1951
828 VOTE

Detailed Capacity Planning

A more detailed Capacity Planning feature would allow us to better manage our roadmaps from the perspective of what is achievable based on our current resource levels. The following high level features would be included in a more robust capacity p...
Guest about 10 years ago in Application 124 Shipped
376 VOTE

Aha iOS App

Mobility is key to making a tool universally accepted in the workflow of a team. Look at the popularity of Slack as a result of the user experience of using the product across multiple platforms/devices. It would be great to have the core team fun...
Adam Thomas over 9 years ago in Mobile 80 Shipped
354 VOTE

Generate Powerpoint From Presentation

We currently use Generate PDF for our sales teams who do not want to jump out to a web page to show roadmaps to customers. This is still cumbersome to them as they use Powerpoint as their primary tool for presenting to customers. Also, they often ...
Dan Pohlman almost 8 years ago in Presentations 39 Shipped
334 VOTE

Allow me to mention users in my comments on the idea portal

Currently I'm able to mention users for private comments on features/ideas, however, I can't mention people publicly on the ideas portal. this would be a great feature to make sure the right conversations are happening with the right people about ...
Steven Kaplan almost 9 years ago in Ideas / Ideas portal 46 Shipped
324 VOTE

User Story Mapping

I would like to be able to have a user story mapping tool added to aha. This is useful in that it enables us to see what a priority of a release would be and what is a minimum viable product versus what would be added to a later sprint. This would...
Guest over 9 years ago in Features / User story map 42 Shipped
298 VOTE

Allow custom field/feature values to be fed into scorecard

It would be useful to be able to expand the advanced scorecard functionality to dynamically pull values from other fields in Aha! Primarily, allowing people to have an estimate value in their score card and have that value pull/push to an estimate...
Danny Archer almost 10 years ago in Features 45 Shipped
284 VOTE

Ability to map idea statuses to feature statuses

I would like the ability to choose how my feature statuses map to idea statuses so when feature statuses change, that I have mapped to an Idea status, the idea status also changes (and changes in status notify subscribers of ideas).
Chris Waters about 10 years ago in Ideas 53 Shipped
270 VOTE

Show progress on all features automatically

It's fantastic to be able to display progress (% complete) on features. Currently, you need to turn this on feature by feature. I would love the ability to make this visible on all features automatically.
Guest over 5 years ago in Features 41 Shipped
263 VOTE

Option to make custom fields mandatory / required

No description provided
Guest about 10 years ago in Account settings 48 Shipped
252 VOTE

Promote an idea to a feature requirement

We receive a number of ideas that are different enhancements to the same product element or function. I typically create a single feature to improve the functionality of X and the various ideas become requirements of the feature. It would save tim...
Karen Wittenberg over 8 years ago in Ideas 39 Shipped