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Created on Nov 20, 2014

Option to make custom fields mandatory / required

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Release time frame 3 months
    Jun 19, 2019

    You can now set required fields when adding new records — so you can bring consistency to how your teams enter data in Aha!

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    • Mark Taylor
      Jun 20, 2019

      Hang on. So to confirm, fields are now mandatory (if you set them to be) on creation but on edit you can remove data and they not mandatory anymore? That’s ridiculous, that’s very non standard behaviour. 

    • Admin
      Nathaniel Collum
      Jun 20, 2019

      Thank you for the follow up and clarification here.

      This week’s release introduced required fields for record creation. As you move forward and collect key data, this allows you set required fields and to create more consistency to how your teams enter data in Aha! moving forward.

      Some recent comments asked for the ability to make these fields required in the viewing and editing experience — particularly for existing records. This was not an area of focus for this release. While we see the benefit of capturing this data in this view, this would have a very negative impact on usability in the application.

      That said, we would like to continue to monitor feedback in this area. We have created a new idea to track this request here: Please vote on that idea and comment with any specific use case (or user flow) that you’d like to be considered.

    • Guest
      Jun 20, 2019

      This is half implementation only, it's implemented only on create screen but later anyone can remove that mandatory field from feature. Ideally all mandatory fields should only have option to edit but not to remove.

    • Guest
      Jun 19, 2019

      I am echoing others people comments.  I would have expected to be able to flag existing custom fields on a layout as required for existing record types (release, feature...).  I see you can set a custom field as required when a new record type is created.  

      That is ok, but the real need is to have the user update the record with the required fields.   



    • Guest
      Jun 19, 2019

      We have existing custom layouts that use a mixture of standard fields and custom fields. We want to make some of the existing custom fields (which are already used on existing custom layouts) mandatory.

      So far it looks as though we need to work around this by creating a new custom layout, re-add all our custom fields, apply mandatory and then request all Product Managers update their product configurations to use the new custom layouts. We have custom layouts for Products, Personas, Competitors, Initiatives, Releases, Master Features, and Features.

      If I have misunderstood anything, please let me know.

    • Charlene Brennan
      Jun 19, 2019

      Yes, we need a way to make the existing custom fields mandatory on all feature records new and existing.

      How soon can you deliver this?


    • Admin
      Nathaniel Collum
      Jun 19, 2019

      Thank you for the follow up comments. I believe both comments describe similar use cases, but I would like to confirm. Is the use case that you want to make custom and standard fields on existing records mandatory (i.e. features that have already been created)?

    • Julie Edwards
      Jun 19, 2019

      Our implementation is pretty sophisticated and established. We have a lot of existing custom fields and are unlikely to add (many) new custom fields.  The key requirement for us wasto be able to make existing custom field mandatory - this is the problem we needed solving.

    • Amanda Grant
      Jun 19, 2019

      This it not great if you have been using Aha for a while and created lots of custom fields that we still cant make mandatory....  :-(  - really disappointed.

    • Guest
      Jun 6, 2019

      It is very important issue for my team, implementation should happen ASAP.

    • Guest
      May 21, 2019

      This is effectively a bug. Please fix ASAP.

    • Donncha Daly
      May 13, 2019

      I agree with all that is said here. This is particularly important if, like us, you are planning to integrate with Jira. It would make dealing Jira mandatory fields much easier and less susceptible to error. 

    • Daniel Pokrývka
      May 3, 2019

      Absolutely necessary. Will prevent lots of synchronization errors with JIRA when you have mandatory fields. E.g. Country.

    • Admin
      Nathaniel Collum
      Apr 30, 2019

      Thank you for your consistent feedback on this idea! We are actively developing this feature and plan to release it this quarter (next couple of months).

    • Ankar S
      Apr 29, 2019

      Surprised this isn't already a feature of Aha! Please provide timeline as this is crucial to using Aha! at scale.

    • Guest
      Apr 29, 2019

      @AHA PMs - Thanks for hearing your users' feedback and the change in status to "Planning to implement". Could you please share a timeline - even which quarter would be helpful. Thanks.

    • Guest
      Apr 17, 2019

      @AHA PMs - given how much support there is for this feature and how long people have been asking for it, would be great if you could make this happen soon and if you could give us an ETA.

    • Guest
      Apr 2, 2019

      I have the same Idea as shared with other commenters prevoiusly.  I'm new(ish) to Aha but am REALLY surprised that with all this feedback over a significant period for something that seems to be assumed capability by many Aha users isn't in the Product.

    • Julie Edwards
      Mar 28, 2019

      Any approximate timescales for this? We desparately need it to help drive data quality and reduce the number of exception reports we need to manage.

    • Charlene Brennan
      Mar 21, 2019

      We could definitely make use of this feature to achieve consistent data reporting with over 20 product managers.

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    • +163
    56 MERGED

    Option to make custom fields mandatory

    No description provided
    Guest over 9 years ago in  0 Shipped
    44 MERGED

    Make field mandatory e.g Description

    I would like to prevent the creation of Epics for example with no Description, so I would like to enforce any field possible, esp the Description field.
    Guest over 7 years ago in Features 0 Shipped
    45 MERGED

    Allow any custom field to be made required

    Currently, I believe custom fields for Ideas are the only place you can require a field. We have custom fields in Features and other areas and would like to require those fields as well.
    Guest over 7 years ago in Application 0 Shipped
    58 MERGED

    Make custom field required.

    At the Feature level, I would like the ability to make some fields required... so when working in the feature board or adding a new feature card, I would like certain Custom (and some standard) fields required
    Jesse Stein over 8 years ago in Features 4 Shipped
    31 MERGED

    Ability to make a custom Release Field required.

    We have custom fields on Releases that we need to make required so that they are properly populated for our Release Calendars. I am spending too much time chasing the Product Managers on a regular basis to populate these fields. When they are not ...
    Guest over 6 years ago in Releases 0 Shipped
    65 MERGED

    Custom Fields required

    Adding custom fields should have an option to either mark a field as required or not required. It is a must to be able to force a user to insert information before idea feature or a release is saved.
    Guest over 10 years ago in Application 3 Shipped
    26 MERGED

    Mandatory fields in Aha

    Ability to add fields which are Mandatory!!!
    Guest over 6 years ago in Application 0 Shipped