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Created by Danny Archer
Created on May 6, 2015

Allow custom field/feature values to be fed into scorecard

It would be useful to be able to expand the advanced scorecard functionality to dynamically pull values from other fields in Aha!

Primarily, allowing people to have an estimate value in their score card and have that value pull/push to an estimate value on the feature card.

    Apr 21, 2022

    Automate your scorecard metrics

    We just shipped the ability to calculate metrics in Aha! scorecards based on data in other fields. You can now automatically update scorecard metrics — bringing even greater consistency to your prioritization process. This update is available for customers in our Enterprise+ plan.

    Learn more

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  • Jason Domask
    Apr 29, 2022

    Very disappointed that a base feature like this is only available for customers that Enterprise+ plan...

  • Daniel Pokrývka
    Apr 24, 2022

    So dissapointed this isn't included in the "Premium" plan too.

  • Joshua Gunter
    Apr 20, 2022

    So dissapointed this isn't included in the "Premium" plan.

  • Jay Holloway
    Apr 20, 2022

    It would be great to have an idea portal for the product we actually subscribe to - this feature is not available in our plan, so this is not really shipped for us. Thanks!

  • Guest
    Mar 3, 2022

    This would be very useful. We have metrics defined in our scoring that increases the impact score as we approach the committed delivery date of a feature to a customer. The further out in time, the lower the score. Doing this manually is not scalable.

    Another use case for us is that we want to track within each feature the associated customers and contract value to get a sense of the revenue impact and current / prospective customer reach. I'm hoping that having a concept of a dynamic score is something that we can use to meet these use cases.

  • Guest
    Aug 10, 2021

    I am having the following problem: I've captured "Effort" estimate for hundreds of features already via a slider in a custom Aha! Scorecard. I want to use this same value for the "Estimate" field, but can't find a way to batch-process or hard-link these two fields so that the Scorecard value drives the Estimate value.

  • Jor Bratko
    May 12, 2021

    Having a metric in a scorecard that duplicates a custom field we need to capture anyway is duplicate data capture = duplicated effort + prone to error. Seems like a high score for this feature!

  • Adam D
    Mar 24, 2021

    I'm a new user trialing Aha and actually assumed I would be able to do this already... would like to see this as I was planning on using this type of feature with ideas to streamline our ranking and prioritization flows.

  • Alex Horan
    Sep 30, 2020

    our use case is simple: have one score that reflects the value to the customers and another score that applies a formula based on the estimated effort for the idea to the value score.

    So we would have a pure "value to our customers" score and a second "effort weighted value" that allows us to see which ideas deliver the most customer value for the same amount of effort.

  • Michael Backhaus
    Sep 29, 2020

    This feature would be very helpful for us. Our product management team would like to sync the ranking from the Engineers in JIRA into Aha! in a custom field that should then be used in a scorecard.

  • Tim Kaschinske
    Sep 1, 2020

    This could also be used to have scorecards build upon one another. For example, have a scorecard for an initiative that feeds into a scorecard for epics which builds upon it with more scoring criteria.

  • Elizabeth Wakefield
    Aug 6, 2020

    This would be very useful. We have multiple scorecards that as we scope out future enhancement ideas that are completed by different departments/clients and end up combined into a final score (e.g., user benefit, cost/effort, technical metrics, and client req/confidence).

    Since we receive these metrics at different stages of the process, they are separate score cards until we feed into a final score. It would be wonderful if we could have the score card link into a master score card that updates as each score card is updated.

  • Panikos Christofi
    Jun 25, 2020

    Can we have a current update regarding this item? It has a lot of votes and a lot of other merged ideas that have a lot of votes. It is obviously a useful and highly requested item.

  • Greg Sarcona
    Jun 11, 2020

    The ability to sync the metrics of the scoring formula with Jira custom fields would be helpful. This way, if a team lead updates prioritization scoring in Jira during PI planning, it is sync'd to Aha for the PM and Solution Owner to see.

  • Guest
    Mar 19, 2020

    we would love to have the score have a parameter reflecting the initiative value, of MF score for example.

  • Guest
    Sep 24, 2019

    Yeah, this is something I could really use right now. I'm wanting to roll up all the story points under Initiatives to get a grand total of points.

  • Don Huovinen
    Jul 16, 2019

    When using Ideas we have both votes and a score. We would like to have a rubric that allows us to easily calculate the score, e.g. Example of our scoring rubric is Score = # of unique customer votes + # of unique prospect votes + f($ of existing revenue) + f($ of sales opportunities) + f(# of teams involved)

    In addition to votes we would like communicate the Score externally in the Ideas portal. We may have 105 votes with 100 coming from a single customer that is trying to game the system and therefore votes can provide a very poor understanding of the actual score. 

  • Nathan Evans
    Jun 26, 2019

    I love automated scoring for getting my priorities into the ballpark.  We still make judgment calls, but I find it helpful to have something that takes into account $ of clients requesting, number of votes, importance to customers, effort, etc.  A perfect algorithm won't exist, but getting the priorities somewhat into order would be very helpful.

  • Guest
    Jun 19, 2019

    PLEASE IMPLEMENT THIS!! Why do scoring manually when you can AUTOMATE it?????????

  • Guest
    Jun 18, 2019

    One of the fields should be the "customer" tag that's part of the epics.  I would like to see the scorecard be able to count the # of clients tagged and factor in that count value into my customized scorecard equation.

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  • +201

Factor quantifiable feature field values into scorecard

Allow scorecard admins to use feature field values, either default fields (like "Estimate" aka story point size) or custom fields that are integers or pre-defined pick lists (which would map to a value in the metric formula), as part of the upgrad...
Guest almost 10 years ago in Features 0 Shipped

Utilize # Votes as a component in the Idea Score

we'd like to be able to use the # of votes as a component of an idea's score. i.e. use # votes as a metric on our idea scorecard.
Michael Loiacono over 8 years ago in Ideas 0 Shipped

Enable custom fields to be used as metrics in an Aha! scorecard

Would be great if I could use already existing fields (number fields) for calculating a score. Also derived scores would be helpful, i.e. using the Aha. Score of one scorecard as metric in another...
Guest over 4 years ago in Ideas 1 Shipped

Dynamic Updates to the Aha! score

Allow entries defined in multiple single select fields to automatically update the AHa! score.
Guest over 6 years ago in Account settings 0 Shipped

Include standard fields as scoring metrics

At the moment, there is no way to link the built in fields for feature type or remaining effort as metrics within a scorecard. In fact, no ordinary Aha data can be used for Metrics - the whole scoring exists in a separate universe. Why can't we re...
Guest about 6 years ago in Features 1 Shipped

Scorecard based on regular Custom Fields so I can retrieve them, set them, use the API, etc.

If the Scorecard was computed out of generic Custom Fields, and not the special attributes it uses today, it would be possible to solve APP-I-904 and APP-I-1314, and make it completely generic.
Daniel Hirschberg about 9 years ago in Ideas 0 Shipped

Allow Scorecards to use other Aha! fields as input

As a user, I would like to tie a scorecard calculation to an existing Aha! field (or custom) field so that the input values to the scorecard can live as independent fields, visible to users, but still factor into the calculation of the final score.
Guest almost 3 years ago in Capacity planning 0 Shipped

Customer scoring using custom fields as metrics

Managing metrics for score cards is fine when you have handful of feature. When you have 100's features and you frequently calibrate metric weightings, this means going through those 100's features multiple times to re-evaluate scores. Any chance ...
Geoffrey Kim over 7 years ago in Features 0 Shipped

Ability to add "Idea Votes" as a metric in the equation for a custom scorecard for idea Scores.

As a Product Manager our priority is based off the frequency of the need from our customers as well as other metrics. It would be beneficial for us to create a Total Score with the vote being one of the multipliers. This would make prioritization ...
Guest almost 9 years ago in Ideas 0 Shipped

Allow scorecard to use value from initiatives

Priorities change over time. Allow for a feature score to tied to a priority score on a initiative. This will result in a features scpre to change, when the importance of its related initiatives change
Gord McNeill about 9 years ago in Features 1 Shipped

use a feature's time estimate in a custom scorecard

As a PM, I want to be able to create custom scorecards that uses the time estimate of a feature. Right now I need to create a custom time estimate that is not linked to the feature card. This create redundant fields and can cause confusion with us...
Michel Besner over 6 years ago in Features 0 Shipped

Allow Value, Rank & Effort values to be used in Scorecard formulas

Calculating a WSJF (weighted shortest job first) value requires that items be stack ranked on both cost of delay (can use Value as proxy) and job duration (can use Effort as proxy). Your chart capability already does this natively, however I can't...
Guest about 6 years ago in Strategy 0 Shipped

Use Scorecard Output as Input to Another Scorecard

Right now, the only metrics that can be used in a scorecard are individual sliders within that scorecard. It would be helpful to use the output of one scorecard (for example, the Ideas score used) as an input to another scorecard (for example, the...
Lexy Kassan over 5 years ago in  0 Shipped

Share Metrics across Scorecards

Right now it seems like metrics are tied uniquely to the scorecard to which they apply. Allow for metrics to be referenced from multiple scorecards such that a change in the metric once updates all the associated scores. The metric could then flow...
Lexy Kassan over 5 years ago in Account settings 0 Shipped

Link a metric score in scorecards to custom field

It would be amazing to be able to link a range from a custom field like Level of Effort (development hours) and Revenue Attribution to the metrics in a Aha Score. We do stackranking and its tedious manually remember our range buckets for the Aha s...
Guest almost 5 years ago in Features 0 Shipped