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Suggested Development timeframe

What is the challenge? Getting estimates from people is a slow process, they are rarely correct and are often influenced by politics or hidden agendas. What is the impact? Plans are rarely accurate, estimates are padded to make people feel safe. O...
Mike Lowery about 2 months ago in Agile reports / Development / Features 0 Likely to implement

Show due dates under My Work

What is the challenge? Under My Work, individual activities do not show due date What is the impact? No visibility to when a individual task or item is due. Describe your idea For each line item, show the start and end date if they are filled in. ...
Mary Daul 4 months ago in My work 0 Likely to implement

Ideas portal form should have consistent treatment of text in dropdown fields

What is the challenge? The ideas portal add idea form has inconsistent styles for the text shown in dropdown fields. If there is no help text / description terminology, then the blank/default placeholder text is different depending on the field ty...
Guest 7 months ago in Ideas portal 0 Likely to implement

Bigger 'open record' icons on Framework Steps

What is the challenge? The icons are tiny and hard to click What is the impact? Describe your idea Rethink how steps are opened or make the icon bigger
Steve Dagless 6 months ago in Application 0 Likely to implement

Ability to publish whiteboards into Aha! Roadmaps with dependencies

Use case: PMs use an Aha! whiteboard to build out an initial story map or backlog. They want to "publish" this into their product plan in Aha! Roadmaps and continue the planning process. It would be great to be able to take an Aha! whiteboard and ...
Mark Eaves about 2 years ago in Whiteboards 0 Likely to implement

Allow promoting an Idea to a KR when KR options are released

Who would benefit? Customers who have incoming ideas that are in line with existing KRs and their related objectives. Customers who use the Idea portal as an incoming request portal for prioritization review. (Trimble does this) What impact would ...
Daniel Brosh 10 months ago in Ideas research 0 Likely to implement

Improve Content of Slack Notifications

Currently Aha notifications in Slack are not very human readable. For instance, when requirements are added the product, feature name and the description are not present. It's impossible unless you're the author to know what the requirement relate...
Guest over 9 years ago in Slack 9 Likely to implement

Moving Competitor records from one workspace results in a mixed view of data

When I move a competitor record to a new workspace, I am left with a mixed view of data. The record details remain visible on the page even though the record itself no longer exists in the workspace I am viewing.
Nick Hays about 1 year ago in Strategy 3 Likely to implement

Make the item creation form 100% keyboard navigable again

Prior to some change within the last couple months, I was able to use my keyboard to fully populate all of the fields in the Create Features or Create Epic pop-ups. Now, I can no longer use the spacebar to open drop-down or multiselect fields and ...
Leigh B over 1 year ago in Application 0 Likely to implement

Customize fields in the Slack integration

Who would benefit? Internal stakeholders giving feedback to product teams What impact would it make? Reduce overhead in editing ideas once they have been pushed to Aha through the Slack integration How should it work? When creating an idea using t...
Guest 11 months ago in Slack 0 Likely to implement