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Disable notifications

On occasions, I have had to change the status of a release back to open and then close it again. This resends the release to everyone subscribed. I would like to be able to disable sending a notifications for this type of maintenance.
Rob Bedeaux over 9 years ago in Releases 1 Unlikely to implement

Count of ideas linked to a feature (use in the scorecard for features)

We use ideas to capture pieces of customer feedback. As such, it would be really useful to have a calculated field that counts the number of ideas linked to a feature. This would help us capture prevalence in prioritizing features. It would be rea...
Guest over 9 years ago in Features 0 Unlikely to implement

Allow sub-release names to sort on both release name and product name.

The issue was discussed with Aha Support under Useful to consumers of Release-related reports at all levels (including C-Suite). Problem: We name all of our releases with just the release number (e.g. 2019...
Alex B almost 6 years ago in Reports 0 Unlikely to implement

Allow multiple people (like admins) to edit a report

Editing permissions are currently based on memberships in a product, there is no option to control them by individual users. In a situation when we have a critical report that we do not want everyone that is part of a product to edit, the only oth...
Tibi Duka-Kispal almost 6 years ago in Reports 0 Already exists

Click outside of the "Edit data" box to get out of the pivot chart editing screen

Often times, I accidentally click "edit data" while in the pivot chart view and would have to click on the small x in the upper right to access the rest of the page. This improvement would allow for users to more quickly get out of the screen when...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Reports 0 Unlikely to implement

Notifications specifically for Approval Activity and Approval Comments

The owner of a record needs to be made aware of approval activity to keep a project moving through the workflow. Notifications of comments on approvals as well as resolution of approvals would be valuable as the owner needs to know when there are ...
Rachel Collins almost 4 years ago in  0 Future consideration

Payment status for invoices

The billing page displays all invoices, it seems logical that a payment status column should be added so that the page displays the invoice number, date, amount and status. It would help admin users ensure there are not lingering overdue invoices ...
Danny Archer over 7 years ago in Account settings 0 Will not implement

Import Users on Account Setting Page

When onboading additional team members on to Aha, it is really a pain in the butt to creat 30 accounts by hand. Put a import users option that allows me upload a excel spreadsheet and create those users with the permissions I set for the batch imp...
Frank S almost 2 years ago in Account settings 1 Already exists

Improvements to Roadmapview Reports

Collapse and compressing of swim lanes and ability to have items sort by date versus alphabetically.
Fatimah Gorin almost 4 years ago in Roadmaps 2 Future consideration

Add Table-Templates to support Build-Measure-Learn-Documentation

A thing thats missing in Aha! is the support of the Lean Startup Build-Measure-Learn-Feedback-Loop. The most lean way I could think of integrating this is to add a tables as templates, so you can build your own version of this https://digitaleneuo...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration