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Filter the roadmap down to the team level

We can create Teams when using Enterprise +. Since the concept of teams exists in this version, we want to be able to filter the roadmap view to the team level. We have Company Roadmaps, Product Line Roadmaps, and Team Roadmaps but the tool is not...
Ashley Powell about 4 years ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Including Attachments from Comments for Jira Integration

It would be useful if we had the ability to push attachments made on comments, to Jira. Today, only direct attachments (to features or requirements) are supported, but from a UX perspective, attachment from comments should be included too, OR an a...
Reut Levi about 4 years ago in Integrations 3 Future consideration

Capture customer feedback

Just like Ideas portal, create a public portal to collect customer feedback. The book Lovability has many great ideas on what cimpanies need to collect and track. It would be nice if Aha! has that public facing portal.
Guest about 4 years ago in  0 Already exists

Make the proxy vote field labels customizable

Our employees will soon be able to submit votes on behalf of customers through our private employee Ideas site. The existing proxy voting form only allows them to select an organization, a description, a link, the "value" (which isn't defined), an...
Brian Trombley about 4 years ago in Voting 4 Future consideration

Provide an Idea Detail Card that can be customized

We can customize most cards: Initiatives, Release, Features, Requirements, and To Do, but we cannot customizer the Ideas. It would be great to have the ability to customize the detail card of the Idea similarly to have we can customize other detai...
Roger Octobre about 4 years ago in Ideas 1 Future consideration

Idea tab improve key word search

For your consideration, I would like the ability to search by a key work in the idea tab by product. Today, Aha allows me to perform this high level/key word search but because I can't limit my search by product (workspace) it yields too many resu...
Christian Sanchez about 4 years ago in Ideas 1 Already exists

Add additional step to confirm changing capacity units

When changing the Capacity units, the caution text can be overlooked. "Caution: changing the units will clear the estimates for all features in the milestone and make the time tracking history show invalid information." Adding a separate confirmat...
Craig Pflumm about 4 years ago in Releases 0 Future consideration

Mapping Company and Workplace Goals

In custom roadmap I seem to only be enabled to leverage one set of goals, but can't select both Workplace and company goals even if they are directly related
Barnett Klane about 4 years ago in Roadmaps 1 Already exists

Multiple sorts in Custom Roadmaps

As of now you can only sort the bars on a custom roadmap by a single attribute, but I find that I often need sorting on two attributes to get the expected output. For example I often use "Release development start time" but even if two items start...
Barnett Klane about 4 years ago in Roadmaps 1 Already exists

Filter Releases by Parking Lot status in Custom Roadmaps

When making a custom roadmap, often I want to highlight a Strategic Imperative with it's releases but many releases maybe in the "parking lot" and thus not ready to include in the roadmap. To filter them out it would be great to filter releases by...
Barnett Klane about 4 years ago in Roadmaps 5 Already exists