Unique vote count field added to the Admin View of the Idea
This would be very useful for PMs and the Community Manager to quickly determine "unique" votes. We have a 25 unique vote threshold for Ideas to meet to be put Under PM Review. Currently, the “votes” field lists all votes. Is there a way we could ...
Ginger Alford
over 4 years ago
in Ideas portal
Need to be able to conduct this for different releases, and would very much help to close the loop on our prod development... think standard user satisfaction questions with 1-5 possible answers along with a general comment question. It would make...
Customer-specific Ideas Portal (or portals with applied filters)
I would like to be able create an Ideas Portal for a specific customer or set of customers (e.g. Beta Testers). This portal would need additional filtering options, such that only Ideas which meet the filter criteria are displayed. Example criteri...
Matthew Monahan
about 5 years ago
in Ideas portal
Have the newest comment be on top of the comment section in an idea
When we click on an idea, we see the oldest idea. It would be a small UX improvement to have that list of comments have sort functionality to determine what a user wants to see. Maybe as an idea portal setting in their account? "Always show newest...
To exclude votes from a specified domain from reports
We allow internal and external users to vote on ideas, but we are often interested in seeing just those ideas with external votes on. There is a filter on voter domain but by using the existing filter of 'none' and selecting the domains we want to...
Sophie Ramsden
over 3 years ago
in Voting
Notification Subscriptions for new ideas by Trending/Recent/Popular/Category
Allow users to subscribe to notifications for new ideas that are trending, recent, or popular if they want to stay on top of ideas.
We would also like to allow users to subscribe to notifications by category. Ideally, they'd be able to choose if t...
Jeff Champagne
about 5 years ago
in Ideas portal
Hi, It would be useful to have a field that counted the unique email voter domains on an idea so I can quickly see when block voting is skewing popularity. I can achieve this via a customer report today, but I can't sort by it which means I need t...
Martin Feeney
about 4 years ago
in Voting
Ideas portal: remove Aha branding when "something went wrong"
TL;DR: if an ideas site has a custom logo, please make the error page as generic as possible with no Aha branding. Bonus points: use our logo for the error page, but don't ask people to contact us! Details: our various Aha-powered Ideas portals we...
Brian Trombley
over 3 years ago
in Branding
You ought to be able to perform the same action on a selection of ideas portal users. Here's a scenario I recently encountered:I created an ideas portal for someone else's project. In advance of that person announcing the project and calling for f...