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Create folder button in Roadmaps Overview section

What is the challenge? My coworker and I struggled to find the right button to create a new folder on the Roadmaps -> Overview page. The design doesn't seem super intuitive; instead of having a "Create folder" button up top (or similar) users h...
Marlee Ellison 5 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Link to folder from report

What is the challenge? When viewing Report details, the "Save in" location can not be navigated to What is the impact? When working with sets of reports in a saved folder, I spend extra time navigating back to Roadmaps/Folders/ instead of just cli...
Jon-Paul Ciambra 5 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Make it easier to see Favorites

What is the challenge? The only place I can find Favorites is from the views under Roadmaps > Library. What is the impact? As a new user downstream from Product management, I only consume information from Aha!. I marked reports made by someone ...
Guest 5 months ago in Reports 1 Future consideration

Add ability to filter on capacity plan period start

What is the challenge? Period Start is a Capacity Planning field that can be included in reports, but is not available to use as a filter. What is the impact? The report cannot be filtered down to a certain period using the Period Start date. Desc...
Ashley Tierney 5 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Ability to filter on integration link from a list report

What is the challenge? Trying to keep on top of items ready for development that haven't been sent over on our DevOps integration What is the impact? There is a risk that we will miss development that hasn't been passed over to our Development tea...
Carl Nelson 5 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

allow multi-select custom choice fields

What is the challenge? I would like a picklist that allows for multiple values What is the impact? limit number of fields where one will suffice Describe your idea allow us to create custom choice fields for one or more values.
Joy Fryer 6 months ago in Reports 0 Already exists

Add the option to "select all" in filters

What is the challenge? When using filters, there isn't an option to "select all" and unselect the one you don't want. What is the impact? Time consuming when there are many options you must choose instead of a simple choose all and deselect possib...
Sherry Dockery 6 months ago in Reports / Search 2 Future consideration

Option to copy text panel in dashboards

What is the challenge? Text panels can't be copied What is the impact? When using text panels to break up sections of a dashboard, it's great to add styling into the text panel and make it stand out. Having to set them up manually each time is pai...
Steve Dagless 6 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Ability to display counts and percentage values on chart slices

What is the challenge? Currently you can only choose Counts or Percentage values to display on a donut or pie chart, but you are not able to show both What is the impact? To see the both values, you have to click into the slice. Describe your idea...
Stephanie Lechner 6 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Display all counts on Donut Chart slices

What is the challenge? Currently smaller slices of data are not displaying counts even if there is room for the metric to be displayed. What is the impact? You cannot see the count labels unless you click on the chart slice. Describe your idea Dec...
Stephanie Lechner 6 months ago in Reports 1 Future consideration