Extend the 'Lock fields based on Status of the record' to Custom Tables
We use Custom Tables in many workspaces to track dollar savings.Once a project reaches a certain status these committed savings should be locked. It would be a great enhancement to be able to do this with Aha!'s 'Lock based on Status' functionality.
Karla Johnson
over 3 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
The calendar report is very useful and has a lot of potential.
I am using the Calendar report for Features and when they released into production.
What would be very beneficial is the ability to customize the cards to include icons for Types, Ma...
over 7 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
on 'add new filter' screen, add tooltip or text to show what record type the filter relates to
If I am filtering for release date, this filter could relate to the release tied to a feature, or to a master feature, or to a initiative, or goal, etc. If I have a view that has more than one of these data elements, it isn't obvious at all - it i...
Jill Collins
over 5 years ago
in Reports
Unlikely to implement
milestones shouldn't have a progress bar when field is selected for reports
When creating a pivot table of release phases & milestones, adding the "progress" field to the report shows a blank progress bar for milestones. since milestones don't have an option for progress tracking, the progress bar shouldn't appear for...
David I.
almost 2 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Allow List views to be saved into other List areas (Features, Ideas, Roadmap)
If you create a List view in the Roadmap "area", there is no way to transfer it to the Feature or Idea List view areas. Instead Aha requires that the List reports are re-created manually which is a poor user experience.
almost 4 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
On the Related tab under each list of related records there a very handy View in report link to quickly view the items in a list report where you can bulk edit or view more fields. This would also be very helpful with Custom tables that have a one...
Michael Bruner
almost 4 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
It is increasingly frustrating to not be able to close a modal window with the escape key (or any other shortcut keystroke combination) when building reports. The process feels clunky with how much mouse input is required.
almost 2 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
When creating a pivot report, I want the ability to consolidate data into one column so that it save me time in reducing column widths and makes the report more readable
Specifically, I would like to add the progress bar for a release to the release name. This will save valuable real estate on the report, and would save me manually moving column widths etc
Andrew Brooks
almost 4 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration