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Format text or upload a picture to a blank slide in a notebook

I would love to be able to add a blank slide to a notebook that allows me to upload a picture or format some text. Similar to a title slide but able to be placed anywhere in a notebook. These would really help us to setup sections in notebooks.

  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Rachel Brown
      Jul 19, 2018

      ahh, i see, thank you so much!

    • Admin
      Austin Merritt
      Jul 18, 2018

      Thank you for the feedback! For newly created notebooks, the title slide will act just like any other slide. So you can edit or remove it as needed. For notebooks that were created before this update, the title page will still work as it did previously.

    • Rachel Brown
      Jul 18, 2018

      This is fantastic! Is there anyway to extend this functionality to the title slide or be able to remove the title slide so I can just have my blank slide be the first one?

    • Chris Foster
      Jun 5, 2018

      Voted as we would like to be able to a) remove the title page from a notebook (it's not helpful when displaying on internal TV's) and b) add pages with an image to the notebook to we can include additional slides when appropriate.

    • Guest
      Apr 3, 2018

      As a product manager wanting to convey text and images not sourced from a view or report in Aha!, I would like a place in the notebook to do so.

      So, +1 to idea to add a custom slide to a notebook and configure it (e.g. wysiwyg editor).  

      Today we had a product review meeting and if we had had that feature, we could have done it without PPT!

    • Guest
      Mar 7, 2018

      I need the ability to add a confidentiality footer to my Notebooks.  I can add a note to the title page, but my company requires that I have a disclaimer on each page footer in the PDF.

    • Guest
      Mar 1, 2018

      I agree--- need option to publish without Title page.  Seems this should be very easy.

    • Guest
      Feb 23, 2018

      We end up embedding slides into Notes as pictures and then inserting them into notebooks. This is a problem because we have to create the slide, delete the old image and upload a new one. It ends up that we screen shot Aha! into powerpoint because it is a better visual medium. 

    • David Vins
      Jan 12, 2018

      Third most popular feature request and three years old... not having this is a huge inhibitor.

    • Matthew Wood
      Dec 11, 2017

      I would like to be able to publish notebooks without title pages - we often produce a single graph / table and having to click through a title page every time is a pain.

    • Ferruccio Fossati
      Sep 21, 2017

      My issue is that when I add an image to my notebook it is displayed twice. once in the description and once as a preview of the attachment.

      I would like the attachment preview to be hidden when I add a picture to a notebook so that it displays only once in my website.

    • Guest
      Aug 16, 2017

      Thanks, Austin! That is VERY helpful!

    • Admin
      Austin Merritt
      Aug 16, 2017

      Hi Marie, thank you for weighing in on this idea. I wanted to let you know that there is a way to remove the Aha! logo from the bottom of your notebooks. If you go to Settings -> Account -> Profile, you can set a primary and secondary logo. The primary will replace the Aha! logo in web notebooks. Also, one solution to the cover page that other customers have used is to share the link to the second page of the notebook. That way, unless someone clicks back, they won't see the cover page. Thanks! 

    • Guest
      Aug 16, 2017

      I'm adding my vote to this so I can get notebooks without title pages. Also, I would love the option to get rid of the Aha! branding at the bottom of the page. It's very distracting and confusing for my stakeholders.

    • Guest
      Feb 22, 2017

      When is this planned for?

    • Admin
      Chris Waters
      Sep 29, 2016
    • Karen Grimmett
      Sep 29, 2016

      Still would want to have our notebooks embeddable in iframes (ie in ZenDesk articles)

    • Zane Bond
      Mar 9, 2016

      Uploading a picture shoudl be possible on all pages, not just the blank ones. I'd love to add more to my pages by uploading a background to each slide. 

    • Guest
      Feb 15, 2016

      Yeah, if this were Google Docs inside Aha's notebook (I'm talking with annotation too). Game changer. 

    • Guest
      Jun 19, 2015

      I create notes pages in the product section, and then you can include the note (with text, graphics, links, etc) anywhere in an notebook.

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