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Ability for Product Owner to Control Notifications

As a product owner, i need to be able control when notifications go out to other users in Aha! Just because a user is a viewer or reviewer on a product, he/she shouldn't be receiving notification for every change. For example, future release planning (2-3 releases out), should be kept within Product Management. We over-communicate to our team and we prematurely communicate "decisions".

I suggest that a Product Owner can choose which release for a given product should be excluded from weekly summary updates or release status change notification. Another example is that we had to re-open an old release to map a feature in that was actually included. There was no value for sending a broadcast message after closing (shipping) it again.

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    • Guest
      Jan 5, 2016

      Agreed - this is critical from an admin stand point

    • Carsten Marx
      May 5, 2015

      We also really need this.

      it must be possible to turn on or off notifications global, per product, per relase, ...

    • John Hopkin
      Apr 10, 2015

      Agreed, this is an important feature for us. 

    • Nils Swart
      Mar 21, 2015

      Would be good to get this as a configurable entry in the same row as users role. That way on both a system-wide as well as per-product basis notification can be set. Ideally introducing this would be done by marking the current setting as 'system default' (= notify on), unless the user has manually set a different value .That way we can distinguish between prior selection vs defaults.


    • David Howe
      Mar 6, 2015

      Yeah that works perfectly for us, except I have to have them one-by-one go in and disable. I'd rather have a global checkbox if possible (long term, and admittedly low priority too) to disable these for everyone. This works though for now great!

    • Suzanne Vaughan
      Mar 6, 2015

      David -- I understand your request, but did want you to be aware that the user can turn off JIRA related comments in Aha! as well (again -- I know you want to control this, but this may be something you weren't aware of yet). See my screen shot. It's under Account settings -> My settings -> Notifications.



    • David Howe
      Mar 6, 2015

      Agreed - we could really use this. Right now we're integrated with Jira so our users get notified the weekly summary updates plus the Jira integration comments (which they get hit with twice, once from Aha, once from Jira). Asking them to go in and update their own preferences is a tall task: it would be great if an admin could effectively adjust a user's preferences or globally set/enable these kinds of communications for permissions group?

    • Fabian Henzler
      Feb 22, 2015

      Sounds complicated to implement. Is it like a Checkbox next to every possible item that is being communicated globally? Or groups you define?