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Status Future consideration
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Created by Guest
Created on Jun 19, 2023

Ability to Further Control Notifications

I currently get notifications from Jira when issues/features I have created or am watching get updated. I then get the exact same updates from Aha! for these same issues, causing a frustrating duplication. The issue is, there is no way to change this in Aha! without just turning off notifications completely, which I won't want to do either as I want to receive other notifications, such as @mentions.

There needs to be more control over what notifications you want to receive rather than al all or nothing setup like it is currently. At minimum, having a separate setting to control @mentions would be a nice upgrade. Also, having the ability to turn off notifications generated by changes that were made via integration would also be a huge and welcomed update. There is currently a setting called "Receive notifications for integration comments" that you can disable, but that's only for comments rather than any change made via integration.

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