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Global Management of Notifications

Currently it appears as though Aha allows individual users to manage notifications, or for an admin to manage notification on behalf of an individual. What's missing is the ability to manage and administer notifications at a global level. For example: maybe I want to turn off (or on) weekly summary notifications for all users. Or perhaps I want to create a new notification and make sure everyone in the list gets it. Another more complex use case would be management of notifications at the product level. Maybe I want all users in product X to get a weekly summary but I don't want users in product Y to get a weekly summary. The ability to control these more global settings becomes very useful as the organization (and number of users) grows.

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    • Guest
      Jan 19, 2024

      For my organisation there is 1 contributor and 1000+ viewers. It is impossible to go one by one and update the notification setting for all the viewers. So this is a very important requirement to be able to turn off the notification globally.

    • Guest
      Nov 14, 2022

      Has there been any progress to incorporate this into the Aha! roadmap? This is an important need for our organization. The approach needed is "define the default notification policy" which will apply at a workspace and/or account level then allow individual users to customize their individual preferences further.

    • Jake Ludwinski
      Jun 5, 2020

      Agree with all of the suggestions below. Definitely need the ability to globally control the "default" notification parameters to reduce noise.

    • Natasha Venter
      Jan 30, 2020

      we really should be able to as an administrator be able to set a default option for notifications. When you import 1000 plus users to go through each one individually to turn off or adjust notifications is crazy.

    • Shri Iyer
      Nov 18, 2019

      I need this ability desperately. In order to get any capacity report and a two way sync between Aha and Jira, I need to add my engineering team to Aha. However my engineering team doesn't want to do anything with Aha as they live in Jira. So I need to turn off all aha notifications for them before I add them. They don't want to go in to Aha, learn how to do this and then turn it of. They are already inundated with so many notifications from Jira. This is seriously a constraint for product.

    • Admin
      Austin Merritt
      Feb 4, 2019

      Hi John. I am really curious about your feedback. Can you share more about scenarios where people are confused and what type of information would be more appropriate to share? Thanks!

    • Guest
      Feb 1, 2019

      This is a major issue.  Either we need to ability to turn off notifications of this type or the control of what content is in email notification.  The emails that come from Aha are confusing to people who do not understand product management.

    • Guest
      Jul 17, 2018

      I agree, the ability to bulk edit notifications preferences or change the default notification settings at an account level is crutial.

      When we come to bulk import all our staff as users in Aha (2000 users!) I don't want these people getting spammed otherwise they will be instantly put off the system. We can of course send out advise to these users asking them to edit notification settings asap however as i'm sure you know, not everyone reads these and IT support will receive hundreds of calls about it!

      Also it is not a feasible option to expect our admins in IT support to change these settings per user for 2000 people!

      I also think this will not get many votes as only admins are likely to vote for this compared with other features that effect all users. However the impact on these people is probably more significant than a lot of ideas that get many votes.

    • Guest
      Jan 25, 2018

      We have a similar request - our leaders like to communicate the assignments (To Do) rather than have all of the people who are assigned in the system and receive e-mails.  So two things - 1) ability to assign a To Do to someone who is not a user in the system, yet show in a report who they are assigned to; and 2) ability to assign to an existing system user, but not have them receive e-mail notification.  We assign a long list of To dos after a leadership quarterly review of all Opportunities/Ideas; provide those same leads a report of the To Dos that were assigned, with what it is, who it goes to and by when.  Then, they will communicate it to their respective team members.  Thanks

    • Admin
      Austin Merritt
      Dec 18, 2017

      In Settings -> Personal -> Notifications, admins will see a Switch user link at the top of the notification preferences. 

    • Guest
      Dec 16, 2017

      "currently it is possible for an Admin to edit notification preferences for individual users. " - how Admin can change notification settings for individual user?

    • Admin
      Austin Merritt
      Dec 15, 2017

      Hi there, currently it is possible for an Admin to edit notification preferences for individual users. There is a setting at the bottom of the notification preferences page to turn off integration notifications. This will allow you to continue to receive notifications for updates made directly in Aha! but solve the duplication of notifications you mentioned for updates made through Jira or other integrations. At this time, given the ability to edit preferences for individual users, we do not have plans on our roadmap to allow for edits across all users. We hope you understand.

    • Guest
      Dec 15, 2017

      We need possibility that admin can turn-off notification to user, part of users, all users.

      This is especially annoying when users are working in JIRA but Product Managers are planning in Aha!. Two e-mails from Aha and from JIRA is very frustrating the users.

    6 MERGED

    System wide email notification definition

    I need the ability at the Aha! level to set a based on email notification definition Specifically view users. Need the ability to all view users get or not get email notifications. Need the ability to not allow view user to over ride the email no...
    Guest about 7 years ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Unlikely to implement