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For the Zendesk integration, provide an admin setting to turn on/off notifications

There needs to be a way to turn on/off notifications as well as customize the messages that are sent.  We use Zendesk for our Customer Success portal for customers to submit feature requests as well as defects.  Zendesk sends out notifications and updates customers on its own.  When we send a Zendesk ticket to Aha, it currently automatically sends another notification to the same customer.  

In addition, Aha does not recognize private vs public comments from Zendesk and populates the email notification sent to customers with both sets of comments - including the private comments that we had no intention of a customer seeing.

Release time frame 1 month
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    • Admin
      Austin Merritt
      Oct 30, 2017

      Hi there, this is a setting you can configure within the app in Zendesk. From Zendesk, click the settings icon then Manage in the Apps section. Select the Aha! app and in the App Configuration tab you can disable the option to subscribe the ticket requestor to updates. Thank you!

    • Guest
      Oct 30, 2017

      Hi, This says "Shipped" for a status, yet I find the behavior from Zendesk is exactly the same as noted below. So Zendesk tickets sent to Aha! via the Zendesk Aha! Link Idea app is emailing the clients. Also, there appears to be no way to control the email sent for Aha! Ideas at all, other than customizing them. Can't these be disabled in some manner? UPDATES PLEASE!!! Thank you. 

    • Guest
      Oct 30, 2017

      This idea appears to have the 'shipped' status, but there is no evidence that this has been done.  Is there any documentation for this yet? It's a super important thing to have.

    • Guest
      Jul 27, 2016

      We are currently unable to submit feature requests via Zendesk > AHA, because AHA is emailing external customers when the idea is created and that email includes internal-only information. 

      We were advised to turn off notifications for status changes and comments, but this doesn't solve the problem. It means the external customers don't receive emails but neither do internal stakeholders who need to be notified of changes. It also does not solve the problem of notification upon creation -- there's no off switch for that email. 

      Our feature request process has been put on hold until this is resolved because we absolutely cannot have internal information being sent to our customers. 

      Ideally the entire change of automatically making the AHA Creater into the Zendesk Requester should be reverted. 


    3 MERGED

    Option to turn off email notifications for idea creators originating from Zendesk tickets

    We are using the zendesk integration and track feature requests via creating ideas from within zendesk and creating them in Aha. The submitter of the ticket from Zendesk receives and email that the idea was submitted / created. We would like to be...
    Guest about 9 years ago in  0 Shipped