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Status Future consideration
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 22, 2023

Filtering on Notifications within Aha!

I understand we already have groupings of what kind of notifications but I would like to be able to filter out certain things such as features because my job primarily uses the ideas. (I do use the features but I do not require notifications for it.) If we had a way to filter out what we don't want notified about I would be able to focus on just the ideas. I am speaking primarily with in Aha! and not email notifications. If we had this way of doing it then it would not muck my notifications. I could see and be notified of just what I want.

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  • Stephen Yeates
    Jan 31, 2025

    I would like to be able to filter notifications based on which fields have been changed. There are some fields which I don't need to be notified when they have changed. (This could be a either a per-user setting or a per-workspace setting. Either would work for me.)