When we manage our roadmaps, managing the release date is most critical to our customers and partners. It would be very helpful to have reusable external watch lists (like already exciting on releases and other areas) and send them an email when the external release date changes, including a short note as to why it changes. The result would be better informed customers and partners. And that is why I use AHA in the first place :).
Thank you for the request. One potential workaround would be add these users as Viewers in your account so that they can be set as Watchers. This would allow them to be automatically notified of any changes
At this time, we do not have near-term plans to implement this specific feature based on current priorities. We hope you can understand.
Please note that Release watchers functionality is broken at present - e.g. even if the watchers are Product Owners of the product that contains the release, no notifications will be sent out.
Also, giving Viewers permission is not an ideal solution, as you would be granting access to entire product, and not just the release.