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Add ability to customise the message that is shown to people that have not been provisioned a user in the account

When SSO is used and a user attempts to access the company aha instance, they are presented with a list of the emails of the people who have billing permissions (not sure if only when the account does not have available seats). Either way, companies may have internal processes for adding users to AHA, and disclosing the emails of the billing users is not the best way to be done, so instead it will be great if one can customize the message that is shown to such users, so they can be navigated to the appropriate place to ask for permissions.

By default the current screen could stay, but in addition to add the option to customize it with custom message.

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    • Guest
      Jul 7, 2022

      Billing contacts are not the right people to show to users needing access. At minimum we should have a field that when filled in is used in this error message

    • Admin
      Nathaniel Collum
      Oct 23, 2020

      Sorry about that, Stefan. It looks like I misunderstood your description. I will reopen the idea.

    • Stefan Stefanov
      Oct 23, 2020

      This is different message I am talking about. Discussed with support and they advices to post the idea here.