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New User Message when the user has NO access to any Workspaces

We are running into issues where several people are attempting to access our Aha instance – however they have not been granted ANY access. The only error message they receive is a generic one that directs them to an Admin (and the system lists ALL admins on the account).

This is frustrating for both all of the admins (we are all getting the same email from a single user, causing a lot of confusion amongst the admins), AND it is confusing and frustrating for the user who is trying to access Aha.

Funny enough, there is a setting that allows the Admin to create a custom message when the user has access to the Aha APPLICATION but not a particular WORKSPACE. I’m not sure why the message would work for the latter, and not the former? There have been several Ideas related to this that have been closed out, but I feel that this solution was only partially implemented.

Reference - Edit Default Notification Message for Users without Access to Aha! (

    May 16, 2023

    Account administrators can now add a custom message explaining how users can request access to Aha! workspaces. Navigate to Settings -> Account -> Profile and type a message in the Access request instructions section.

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    • Joe Carpenter
      Mar 5, 2021

      1 - Yes, we often have users in this situation as they ‘self-provision’ by discovering the Aha instance URL (usually in an email from somewhere in our org, often out of context)

      2 – The same message could work as I could customize the message to indicate both cases.

    • Admin
      Austin Merritt
      Mar 1, 2021

      Hi Joe, the current message setting is designed to work for users who were granted Aha! access (likely not a paid seat) automatically via SSO -- but with no workspace access.

      I have a couple questions:

      1. Do you ever have users in that situation?

      2. If so, would you want the same message to be used in both cases?

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