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Status Likely to implement
Categories Schedules
Created by Julia Pence
Created on Jan 13, 2025

Link dates between records

What is the challenge?

Aha records cannot be configured so that the dates are linked together and changes from one record impact another outside of the parent - child relationships such as epic -> feature. We have many teams working on interrelated work that is not always captured in those simple relationships. It would be very useful to be able to set the start or end date of one item as related to the date of another item.

What is the impact?

Maintaining accurate data and timelines across complex projects is complex and manual, increasing the odds that something gets missed or changes are not communicated to all relevant parties.

Describe your idea

There should be an option for start and end dates to have a link to the date from any other item in Aha.

At minimum:

  • The dates are set to mirror each other so that if one changes the other changes

  • The date of any item can be linked to any other item--start dates to start dates, end dates to end dates, start date of one to end date of another, etc


  • Date changes can be set to multiple options: changes are mirrored both ways, changes to A change B but changes to B do not impact A, changes are only allowed to A--similar idea to how you can select what kind of updating will happen when integrating to ADO or Jira

  • Creating a date link should create a dependency link between the two records, ideally even a new type of relationship called something like date dependency that will be pulled into roadmaps like other dependencies

  • An option to set either start or end date and duration that automatically updates when the date changes

  • When creating a dependency link a dialog asks if you would like to link the dates

  • A date change from the linked record creates an automatic comment in the dependent record along the lines of "start date changed to DATE due to change of end date of feature NNNN to DATE by PERSON"

  • Allow linking of custom date fields, not just Aha's standard start and end dates

  • Attach files