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Status Future consideration
Categories Releases
Created by Hank Liu
Created on Apr 25, 2024

Calculate Release Date Range from Epics

What is the challenge?

There are teams who only use Epics in their workspaces, but the date range of Releases can only be calculated from Features. Moreover, there are no automation rules or integration mapping options to automatically update the date range of Releases.

We believe several of Aha! clients only use Epics as well, and they may have the same challenge.

What is the impact?

The teams need to manually populate the date range of Releases.

Describe your idea

Several helpful options:

  1. Implement "calculate from phases and epics" option for the date range of Releases and the Record Dates configuration in workspace settings.

  2. Add option in automation rule of Releases to control 'start date' and 'end date' of Release date range based on other fields (e.g. Development started on / Release Date)

  3. Add Jira -> Aha! mapping option for start date and end date of Release date range.

  • Attach files
  • Ryan Johnson
    Jun 26, 2024

    Would drastically increase flexibility as some efforts never go down past Epic level where we are planning upfront.

  • Guest
    May 1, 2024

    Hi All, this feature would be very useful for tracking the progress based on epics / features of each release and PD / PI items.

  • Admin
    Chrissi McNamara
    Apr 25, 2024

    Hi @Guest thanks for your idea. We will keep it open to monitor feedback on being able to calculate release date range from epics.

    I did want to mention that you can already map dates on your releases through the Jira integration. If you have any questions about this process, please reach out to our Customer Success team at