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Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit A-I-8726 Advanced Permission for Report creators .

Saved Views - View with restricted edit permissions

What is the challenge?

We cannot define the individuals who can ‘view and edit’ a ‘saved view’ and the ones who can only ‘view only’ a ‘saved view’. We are looking for one more layer on the editing permission settings where we can define a group of people who can edit a ‘saved view’ but keep the view open to all.

What is the impact?

People who should not be making changes to saved views end up doing so, impacting the view format and data for others. We can't just educate people not to do so. We need a systemic solution that prevents individuals from making non-desired changes to the saved views.

Describe your idea

One options to manage this change request is to add an additional layer to the "editing permissions" settings. Today there are only 2 options: "View only" and "View and edit". We should add a third option to the drop down list to cover "View with restricted edit" and a new field to reference the people who are authorized to make edits to "saved view".