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Lock a note from edits (view only)

Use case: I want to create notes and share with the team but I don't want them changing anything in the note.

Idea: Allow me to lock a note from edits and make it a view only document for others

    Nov 28, 2023

    Thanks for the idea!

    You can now protect any note or whiteboard from accidental edits so you do not lose important information. Locking a document from edits will add an Edit button to your document so that editing is intentional.

    Learn more.

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      Sep 4, 2023

      I made exactly the same question and would need a "lock / unlock" function. The reason is that I am adding some internal training notes specific for our company, and want to have it directly in the tool (Aha!). But if the author of the notes cannot lock the content, there is a high risk of unwanted editing - and the rest is history...

      My proposal would be that the author of the note has the rights to lock & unlock. But the Aha! administrators should have the rights too. Because if the author has left the company and something needs to be updated after that, for example.