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Notes: Ability to lock notes regardless of user permissions

Currently user permissions are based at a Product Line / Product Level and apply to the entire PL/Product

As an admin, I would like to create some notes for a Product Line / Product Level for the team to reference (like notes that document a given process, setup, etc), however I do *NOT* want individuals to be able to edit those notes.

I would like to request functionality that would allow me to 'lock' a note or make it Read Only on a case by case basis. 
Users should still be able to comment on the Note or add To-Do's without restriction


    Nov 28, 2023

    Thanks for the idea!

    You can now protect any note or whiteboard from accidental edits so you do not lose important information. Locking a document from edits will add an Edit button to your document so that editing is intentional. Learn more.

    If you are looking for more granular workspace user document access, please vote on the idea to permission individual documents.

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    • Danielle Martinez
      Jan 21, 2022

      Agreed. This would come in play for our team as we want to develop or product requirements document in Aha! and move away from Confluence to consolidate the number of tools we are using. Locking it would give us the static document we need for our deliverables.

    • Pamela Thomas
      Aug 19, 2020

      I also voted for .

      My comment is there.