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Status Future consideration
Categories Notes
Created by Marina Reyna
Created on Apr 7, 2022

Improve Note Editing Functionality (avoid typing over each other)

In notes, our team collaborates and does real-time edits. Unfortunately, we tend to type over each other and sometime the users are bundled, too. Is there a way to prevent us from typing over each others changes?

  • Attach files
  • Marina Reyna
    Apr 11, 2022

    Ex: If I create a table in the note, two team members can be in the same cell and it will appear that I am typing notes on behalf of that other person.

  • Admin
    Austin Merritt
    Apr 11, 2022

    Hi Marina, it is great to hear the team is working collaboratively in notes. There is currently not a way to completely prevent someone else from editing over a change you have made in a note (assuming they have access to edit the note.) You should see an indicator when multiple people are editing simultaneously to help prevent people from stepping on each other.

    When you say that sometimes the users are bundled, are you referring to the bundling of edits when viewing the note history?