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Improve emails sent from Aha

Short summary

As a product manager and Aha account manager, I would like for emails from our Aha account to be sent using the subdomain assigned to our account, so that I can easily differentiate between emails directly related to our work in Aha (our workspaces) and emails related to Aha directly (this Idea portal and support requests, billing, etc).

Detailed summary

Currently, all emails generated from updates within our workspace come from any of the generic emails:





This includes the following automated emails:

  • [AHA] Recent changes to <workspace> (

  • [Aha!] Your daily to-dos reminder (*

  • [AHA] <user> commented on <object> (*

  • [AHA] <user> updated idea: <idea> (*

Because the titles are inconsistent (AHA vs Aha!), as well as the sender address, it is not possible to easily search for or filter for these emails.

To further complicate things, emails from Aha directly regarding support requests, billing, and even this Idea Portal also can come from any of these emails. This makes it hard (impossible) to search for emails that are "internal" (directly related to our work within Aha) vs. "external" (related to our relationship with Aha as an entity). This clutters our inboxes as we cannot easily search for one or the other.

Preferred solution

My preferred solution is that automated emails from our Aha account (related to our workspaces, idea portals, etc.), are sent using the subdomain of our Aha account. This would allow for us to search for/filter our internal emails versus external ones.

Existing features

Within Aha

The Ideas Portal already has the ability to set a custom email address for emails to be sent as. Adding this level of customization to our Aha workspace itself would be above and beyond, but also potentially overkill.

Other tools

JIRA Cloud has a clear example of the desired functionality. JIRA, by default, sends all emails from "", where companysubdomain is the account's subdomain. This is personally my ideal solution, as our subdomain within Aha is enough to designate our work emails vs. emails with Aha itself.

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    • Bastian Schoell
      Oct 28, 2021

      fully agree with the very well-reasoned and documented idea suggestion by the OP. The current generic email FROM address is so confusing to our users as to cause them to opt out of notifications.

    • +1