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Set the order of how Initiatives and Features are shown in Pivot Roadmap

Hi, it would be really nice to be able to set the order or how Initiatives and Features are shown in the Pivot table view of a roadmap. When presenting a roadmap I often need to talk about items in a certain "order" based on the group that is present or maybe how some features relate to each other. Only being able to sort on alpha does not allow this.

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    • Admin
      Kelly Sebes
      Aug 6, 2021

      Thanks for the additional detail! I have updated the status to "future consideration."

    • Guest
      Aug 6, 2021

      Hi Kelly! I have seen the sorting options but I don't think it means anything to sort via alpha, this isn't data they are product features. Its important to me to have things like features/initiative be sequenced in a certain way, so not really based on anything except how I prefer it. Having this type of sorting option is what I was referring to.

    • Admin
      Kelly Sebes
      Aug 5, 2021

      Thank you for reaching out. When you configure the data in your pivot report, there are sorting options within the rows, columns, and cells. You should be able to sort by any field. You can learn more in this article. Will that do what you are looking for?