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Set how initiatives order in Goal view

When creating reports, initiatives can be shown based on the order they appear in Strategy > Initiatives and this can carry through to reports which is great if you prioritize the initiatives and want to convey that in your reports.


However, when looking at the goals from Strategy > Goals, the initiatives listed are ordered based on created date. I'd like to have them shown in order of priority so I can remember my priority order in this view and anyone that might be looking at that view, also sees the priority order. Even sorted by start date would be preferred.  Created date is the least important way to sort anything when it comes to road-map\backlog. 


While this isn't a critical feature, it would help me to stay organized and keep everyone on the same page since we have different people accessing the data in different ways. It has caused confusion for us as it works now.

Release time frame 1 month
    Feb 22, 2024

    You can now customize the "Related" tab to add, remove, or rearrange the data columns presented in each table.

    This is done by editing the record's custom layout.

    With this update, you could add the "Initiative rank" field to the table and sort the list by that field.

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