What is the challenge? have to go through each idea that is similar to see total amount of votes What is the impact? time consuming Describe your idea I would appreciate if the total number of ideas votes showed when you have multiple ideas merged...
Display email address/email domain on Ideas Page Layout.
What is the challenge? Users cannot see the submitter's email address or domain on an Idea What is the impact? Users have to navigate through the idea to a report to see the information Describe your idea I would like to be able to add the submitt...
Leanne Miller
6 months ago
in Ideas
Already exists
Currently, there is no way to bulk edit users for portal users. As an administrator, I have to perform everyday actions such as Unsubscribe, disable, delete, edit to these users one at a time.
David Willequer
over 2 years ago
in User management
Likely to implement
Our creative, content, and demand gen marketing teams use Workfront to manage their projects. An integration between Aha can help us pull information from Aha to use in projects in Workfront and align to specific product releases.
over 7 years ago
in Integrations
Unlikely to implement
For almost all our workflows, a parent record's status is dictated or a reflection of it's child record's status - similar to how the progress of a parent record is an aggregate of it's child records and that functionality. I would like the abilit...
Michael F
over 4 years ago
in Application
Future consideration
When viewing the research tab, the first thing I want to see are the ideas related to my record. Ideas are the most likely research item I will have associated with my features and will often drive the creation of the assets I would add to the "co...
Bonnie Trei
over 1 year ago
in Ideas research
Future consideration
We would like to know how much each product has adopted our standard processes, fields, and templates. Some of this can be done using pivot tables and calculated columns today, but it is challenging. We are currently taking screenshots or sharing ...
Kelly Sebes
almost 5 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Who would benefit? Customers who have build LLMs for their org who don't wis to use ChatGPT or have specific organisation context they wish to exploit What impact would it make? There are generative AI applications in Aha (and no doubt more planne...
Nigel Lawrence
about 1 year ago
in Integrations
Future consideration