Having an audit trail/historical data when it comes to workspace configurations/settings would be helpful. Details like what specifically was updated/changed and by whom & when would be great.
over 1 year ago
in Application
Future consideration
When "Create Related Idea" make Idea status "New" or "Needs Review" and Link it to Originating Object
Currently, when a "create related idea" function is used, the system assumes that the intent is to create an idea that is promoted to the originating Object (Initiative, Epic or Feature). However, this assumption has limited application since most...
Uma Prabhala
almost 4 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
When a user logs in, the default view of ideas is 'trending' and we have users who would like to be able to change the default to recent so they can keep up to date with what has been recently logged
Sophie Ramsden
almost 4 years ago
in User management
Future consideration
Allow migration of detailed estimates to initial estimates and vice versa
We have customers today who want to be able to bulk migrate detailed estimates to the initial estimate field and vice versa. We should allow this via .csv import or possibly through the UI.
Bryan McElhinney
over 2 years ago
in Capacity planning
Future consideration
What is the challenge? What is the impact? Saving time and more clarity Describe your idea It would be great if there was a button directly in the category window. Currently, we have an idea portal that combines multiple workspaces. And the user h...
7 months ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Filter out merged or shipped Ideas from Prioritization Report
As a Product Manager, I don't want to see merged ideas in my pioritization report so that I can focus on ideas that are standalone or which other ideas have been merged into, i.e. ideas that actually require prioritization
Joe Buehlmeyer
over 2 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Top Row Date line freeze when scrolling in dashboard panel
When I am working on a Roadmap, the date axis at the top is frozen in place. If I create a custom view of a Roadmap, and then add it as a panel to a Dashboard, the top row date axis is not frozen and will disappear as I scroll down. This makes it ...
almost 3 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Show "Record Links" between custom table entries and standard Aha records (goals, objectives, features, etc.)
If you create a custom table that includes any Aha record field, that table gives you a tag-like ability to see and link associated Aha records. However, when looking at an Aha record, it gives no indication that there's a related custom table ent...
Brian Trombley
over 4 years ago
in Application
Future consideration
Ability to see the total number of features in a workspace by selected releases.
Who would benefit? Everyone, project managers that need to view full scope of work for team What impact would it make? Numerical visibility How should it work? View count in the corner or somewhere visible on the screen. Something that shows the c...
about 1 year ago
in Features
Future consideration