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178 VOTE

Add "Save View" feature to the "Features Board" page

The filters on the Feature Board are critical. I want to be able to Save Views that capture the various filters that have been applied
Guest about 10 years ago in Features 27 Future consideration

Add releases as an option to the now, near, later roadmap

Who would benefit? Roadmap users What impact would it make? We use releases to indicate the experience being delivered How should it work?
Guest about 1 year ago in Roadmaps 3 Future consideration

Advanced Permission for Report creators

When I create a Roadmap or a report, I am effectively the owner. I can change any aspect of that report. However, at times I may be building it for someone else to use and manage, and I want the ability to change the ownership of that report at a ...
Andrew Brooks about 5 years ago in Reports 15 Future consideration

My Work -> To-Dos should more flexibility for filtering to-dos

What is the challenge? To-Dos that are never going to happen, because their underlying features have been deferred or rejected clutter up the To-Dos screen. What is the impact? The Todos screen is largely unusable, and I routinely miss important w...
Joe Telafici 21 days ago in My work 0 Future consideration

[Document templates for epics, initiatiaves, features, ...]: Need a better workflow to assign document templates

What is the challenge? Epic templates (i.e. for the description) are currently managed under 'workflows'. Currently, there is no way to create a template for this, and use it in multiple workflows. Our current workaround is to create a document te...
Tobias H 22 days ago in Epics 0 Future consideration

Filter using Feature location in Aha! Develop

What is the challenge? Currently, you cannot filter records within Aha! Develop screens, like the parking lot by the feature location field (backlog management, sprint, workflow board etc.) What is the impact? This would allow teams to filter the ...
Chris Quigley about 1 month ago in Development 0 Future consideration

Add features to release templates

What is the challenge? Often, teams will create release templates when they have repeatable projects that follow similar steps. But release templates just include phases and todos. Many teams have more complex template needs for their project work...
Max Robbins 6 months ago in Releases 1 Future consideration

Customize My work for my workflow

I need the ability to configure My work for my use case. The page is often cluttered with elements that we may never use. Here are a few of the challenges we've run into: Customize My work by persona Customize for novice users. Imagine a cleaner i...
Nathaniel Collum almost 2 years ago in My work 0 Future consideration
102 VOTE

Integration with

Would be great if there was in integration into We have users in our organization that use this tool for managing their UI concepts and workload.
Kenny Burnham almost 6 years ago in Integrations 8 Future consideration

Quick navigation to settings pages by name

When working with Aha! customers, one part that slows down users as they set up their account is figuring out how to navigate through to the page they need. Let's say I am helping a customer add a custom layout and statuses to their ideas and idea...
Max Robbins 8 months ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration