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Customize My work for my workflow

I need the ability to configure My work for my use case. The page is often cluttered with elements that we may never use.

Here are a few of the challenges we've run into:

  • Customize My work by persona

    • Customize for novice users. Imagine a cleaner interface with quick links to key roadmaps and reports.

    • Customize My work for strategic-users only. Hide releases, epics, features, and requirements.

    • Customize for power users. Show everything, even requirements, on the All work page.

  • Hide unwanted page elements or records

    • Some of our users will never review ideas, but the section still shows for them. The same is true for to-dos.

    • Records "disabled" in the navigation still show under My work

There are likely other use cases but this idea sums it up perfectly:

"We do not want a page cluttered with 'Feature' stuff but a 'working' view that is more suited to things the team are working on..."
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    8 MERGED

    Configure My Work

    To really embed the My Work into our workflow, I need more configurability. We are using goals, initiatives & to do's within our proposition team (as opposed to our 'product' team) primarily for an overview and tracking of our business that fe...
    Guest almost 9 years ago in Features / My work 1 Future consideration
    5 MERGED

    My Work - Should be a customized view

    Current My Work is a screen off my home icon.  I am really looking for landing page/dashbaord to start my work.  Currently My home presents a list of projects, features, todo and idea.  It needs to be so much more.  I like to t...
    Guest about 6 years ago in My work 0 Future consideration
    7 MERGED

    Show requirements in the "All Work" view of My Work

    List requirements assigned to the user in their "My Work" overview page and possibly also as a breakout category in the left hand navigation in "My Work". Currently they can only be seen by expanding records in the Features area which is 1) not in...
    Sarah Warning over 5 years ago in My work 1 Future consideration
    2 MERGED

    Allow users to minimize within the different sections of the my work page

    Right now, I can minimize the various sections of the My Work page (ex, minimize to-dos so I can see ideas better). It would be helpful if I could also minimize within each section so I can expand the details for: Features - minimize certain relea...
    Carah Counts about 5 years ago in My work 0 Future consideration
    8 MERGED

    Sorting To Do's by latest or oldest created

    My team creates dozens of To Do's on user stories but unfortunately the latest one is displayed at the bottom of a long list. Please consider incorporating a sorting function for To Do's, i.e. sort of latest or oldest created.
    Guest almost 2 years ago in My work / To-dos 0 Future consideration