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Categories My work
Created by Austin R
Created on Nov 10, 2016

Customize view for My Work screen

It would be cool to have customizable screens in the My Work section - similar to reports. I feel you should be able to tweak that page to show features by custom conditions so I can drive efficiently.

    Sep 5, 2018

    The new "My work" page now includes a specific section for each type of record — including a features section which includes master features, features, requirements, plus a section for releases and ideas. Each of these sections contain relevant filters such as product name or due date range.

    Take a look at what you can do with the improved "My work" page.

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    May 23, 2017

    I agree, it would be good to have the option to see all your products listed out to click into or the ability to see 'all work' across any product' or product specific work, or work due today, work due in next 7 days (similar to todoist). 


Ability to Customize the My Work Dashboard

I would like to be able to customize the My Work page/dashboard. For example, I would like to be able to view work items for more than one release at a time. Or, I would like to be able to add reports/lists that I have created for my users so they...
Lori Carbonara about 7 years ago in My work 0 Shipped