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Status Future consideration
Categories My work
Created by Sarah Warning
Created on Nov 13, 2019
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit A-I-14643 Customize My work for my workflow.

Show requirements in the "All Work" view of My Work Merged

List requirements assigned to the user in their "My Work" overview page and possibly also as a breakout category in the left hand navigation in "My Work". Currently they can only be seen by expanding records in the Features area which is 1) not intuitive and 2) not easy to see at a glance.

My Work is very useful but barely surfacing requirements makes it far less useful for teams that use requirements a lot.

    Jul 22, 2022

    Thank you for your idea. At this time we roll up requirements within their respective features to consolidate the information shown on the my work page. We do not currently have plans to make changes here but will continue to monitor feedback on this idea.

    One other suggestion in the meantime would be to have users create a requirements workflow board showing only the requirements assigned to them. This article explains in more detail. Given your team's heavy use of requirements this may be the idea working view for them.