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205 VOTE

History for Reports

We use reports often to tailor Aha data for different audiences. Recently, those audiences have been looking for summaries of how the data in that specific view has changed over time. The changes can be pieced together manually by looking through...
Zach Rose about 8 years ago in Reports 27 Future consideration

Provide Microsoft Power Automate Connector

What is the challenge? Easily integrating with Aha! using Microsoft integration platforms What is the impact? Having to rekey data - costs time Describe your idea Microsoft provides a low-code multi-platform integration service called Power Automa...
Chris Doran 6 months ago in API 1 Future consideration

Integrations class

GOAL: Deeper dive into common integrations | CLASS MATERIAL IDEAS: Setting up successfully, Troubleshooting.
Julie Price about 3 years ago in Training 2 Future consideration

For Release Retrospective view, add where an item moved when it's removed from the release

What is the challenge? Although we can currently track if a record is removed from a release, it is hard to tell where it moved without going into the record. This is the view I'm talking about:
Guest 4 months ago in Releases 0 Future consideration

Show more details to help linking records when there are multiple records with the same name

What is the challenge? When I create release templates and/or copy releases or release phases, I end up with (as you would expect) copies of the children. This is the desired behavior. The issue comes when I try to map dependencies to these childr...
Guest 16 days ago in Application 0 Future consideration

Request to add attached visualization feature

What is the challenge? Looking for visualization feature similar to the attached document What is the impact? Describe your idea Attached visualization is from a roadmapping solution that i have used in the past. This is a very helpful way to visu...
Senthil G 16 days ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Show scorecard instead of just score in record

What is the challenge? Record displays score & requires click to get to scorecard view What is the impact? Unnecessary click to reveal scorecard Describe your idea Eliminate unnecessary click by showing the scorecard instead of just score that...
Senthil G 16 days ago in Features 0 Future consideration
192 VOTE

Dedicated Integration User

It would be great to have a dedicated integration user instead of having to use a user license for this purpose. I would love to keep my user and the updates from integrations (Jira, TFS,...etc) separate so that it is clear who made the update in ...
Guest almost 8 years ago in Integrations / Jira 16 Future consideration

Allow me to create a batch of individual to-dos or work requests

Who would benefit? Teams with large deployments who make heavy use of to-dos and work requests to track cross-functional work What impact would it make? Today, if I need to assign a to-do or work request to a large number of recipients, I have two...
Reilly O'Connor 12 months ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

Child records eligible to import to multiple workspaces are automatically importing to the workspace where the parent record is integrated to

What is the challenge? If I am using an integration template to manage multiple Jira projects which can have parent/child records spanning multiple Aha! Workspaces (many to many relationship), If I add a child record from one Jira project to an in...
Stephanie Lechner 2 months ago in Jira 0 Likely to implement