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Allow creation of custom tabs in the new layout

It would be great if it would be possible to add our own tabs in the new layout, especially for Features. With some custom fields, the Overview tab gets filled up quite quickly and it's hard to spot the field you need, you scroll up and down and s...
Stephanie Redl about 4 years ago in Account settings 6 Shipped

Now Next Later roadmap card customization - support for integration field

What is the challenge? The Now Next Later has the ability to customize the cards which is great. Not all of the same fields are supported as the Feature >Board card customization. What is the impact? The Now Next Later roadmap provides a valuab...
Guest 4 months ago in  2 Shipped
166 VOTE

The ability to use the same filter more than once in advanced filters

It would be great to have the ability to use the same filter more than once when using advanced filter logic. For example:I want to filter a set of features that all have the tag “Dashboard” but then a subgroup that DON’T have the tag “Admin”.
Jessica Groff about 7 years ago in Reports 35 Shipped

Restore Vision additional details

What is the challenge? The redesigned Vision page is missing the previously available sections for: Description Watchers To-dos Comments What is the impact? Information previously entered into these sections is no longer accessible, and new inform...
Emily Yankush 3 months ago in Strategy 1 Shipped
161 VOTE

Conditional forms on ideas portal

Since I have more than one idea category, I have custom fields that are associated and useful for specific categories of ideas. Currently I need to put all of them on the input form and display layout for all ideas. This makes the form unnecessari...
Jonathan Berg about 7 years ago in Ideas portal 30 Shipped
153 VOTE

Sync record's workspace, goal, initiative, epic, and release (name and link) to integrations

The use case is so that those working primarily in JIRA can understand “why” they are being asked to deliver “what” has been requested. In the screenshot attached, it shows a section of the JIRA issue interface. It then shows a tab created specifi...
Project Parker over 6 years ago in Jira 14 Shipped
219 VOTE

Create Scores based off Survey Input from the Ideas Portal (Game Changer Idea!)

I want to use surveys on the Ideas Portal to rank ideas and features. Ideally, I can create custom fields that submitters fill out that are used to score ideas, place them on the ideas chart, and rank features converted from those ideas. This woul...
Ross Reynolds (External) over 9 years ago in Ideas 21 Shipped
172 VOTE

Please add support for Master Features within the Aha <=> JIRA interface.

Given "Aha! is for the "why" and "what" and JIRA is for the "how."; Master Features are useless unless we can implement them alongside JIRA.
Guest over 7 years ago in Jira 28 Shipped

Custom fields for key results

Who would benefit? Everyone tracking OKRs in Aha! Roadmaps What impact would it make? Allow teams to capture additional information related to key results. How should it work? Identical to all custom field functionality Ability to add custom field...
Nathaniel Collum 9 months ago in Strategy 2 Shipped
219 VOTE

Grouping Ideas Portal Users by Customer/Account

It would be great to be able to define in Aha! what "company" or "account" each Ideas Portal user belongs to. After the company information is available, we would then want the ability to filter and sort the Manager Portal Users screen by this fie...
Guest about 10 years ago in Ideas portal 26 Shipped