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Created by Jessica Groff
Created on Dec 14, 2017

The ability to use the same filter more than once in advanced filters

It would be great to have the ability to use the same filter more than once when using advanced filter logic.

For example:
I want to filter a set of features that all have the tag “Dashboard” but then a subgroup that DON’T have the tag “Admin”.

Release time frame 1 month
    Jun 21, 2023

    You can now use the same filter more than once in Aha! reports and roadmaps.

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  • Jason LaCarrubba
    Apr 14, 2023

    I need the ability to filter on tagA and not tagB. This seems like a very simple case that should be supported.

  • Guest
    Apr 12, 2023

    I need to use this for tags filter.

    We have tags to indicate month reviewed like, reviewed Oct, reviewed Nov. I want to see an item marked reviewed Oct but not if it has been reviewed after than, say reviewed Nov. Given that I can't form this query (barring a solution that doesn't use tags at all), my Plan B is to manually change all the reviewed Oct, to instead say "rev Oct" so it doesn't match to begin with. A terrible hack.

    Lack of this capability makes the use of the free form tags field much less valuable.

  • Isaac Stennett
    Mar 8, 2023

    I'm trying to create a filter to show me ideas where (category is blank) || (category = "+1" AND assigned team is null)--trying to use the category field in two different places in the query and can't :( :(

  • Tim Shoemaker
    Feb 6, 2023

    Totally agree that we need more ability to not only select by tag, but deselect by tag... i had a bunch of items that were all tagged "CSF" (Country Specific Functionality), and i wanted to exclude them from my list. The only way to do this was to tag all the others as NOT_CSF... but that just adds clutter.

  • Nike Klaubert
    Dec 9, 2022

    We need exactly same feature as mentioned by Art Wynn. This feature is especially important in pivot reports.

    There must be an opportunity to filter on tags using AND connector, i.e. tag-A AND (tag-B OR tag-C OR tag-D)

  • Jor Bratko
    Dec 7, 2022

    A reporting engine that can't reference a field more than once in a query? Inconceivable!

  • Guest
    Sep 27, 2022

    Argh. Me too. Or just let me access Idea Tags in logic on calculated columns, and then filter by those. That would help solve my use case of a report only showing ideas without a certain tag.

  • Steph Reddington
    Sep 15, 2022

    Echoing what everybody else has said. For me, not being able to apply a NOT filter is really time consuming. If I want to report on all organisations, execpt our own, I have to tick 100s of radio buttons (all accept ours!). Seems a basic requirement of filtering

  • Guest
    Sep 14, 2022

    Really important for us trying to filter a report that is missing fields unless it's because of some combination of that field e.g.

    AND (field1 isBlank OR field2 isBlank OR field3 isBlank) OR NOT (field1 = value1)

  • Guest
    Aug 8, 2022

    Agree - having the AND operator for filtering tags is especially valuable!

  • Eric Cannady
    Aug 2, 2022

    We use tags a lot being being able to do this is a major pain and is making me rethink what fields we will have to create so we can handle AND and OR filtering correctly. This is a major pain.

  • Maura McCafferty
    May 20, 2022

    Similar issue - looking to do something like:
    Release = release1 OR (Release = release2 and Custom Field = is not blank)

  • Yancey Larochelle-Williams
    Mar 21, 2022

    Yikes, this one is rough to not have. Having to have 10 reports for a text field because of various spellings/values is intense. We can't correct them all in a bulk update because the values themselves are not wrong. Coca-Cola, Coca Cola and Coke are all the same entity, for example. Would love to see this added.

  • Jennifer Lange
    Nov 9, 2021

    I need this in order to do a filter such as:

    Workspace = WS1 OR (Workspace = WS2 AND Tag = TAG1)

    currently I cannot do this because I cannot select workspace name twice

  • Aldon C
    Sep 29, 2021

    The main requirement is to be able to create an AND filter with a multi-select field but having the abiliity to use filters more than once in Advanced Fiilters would provide a lot of other flexibility for tuning reports.

  • Mark Taylor
    Jul 14, 2021

    The specific requirement I have been trying to report on is to be able to select to-do due dates that are either blank OR within a set period. Implementing this general requirement would solve that.

  • Art Wynn
    Jun 25, 2021

    It's REALLY frustrating to not be able to filter to only Ideas tagged with "TagA" AND "TagB". Please provide additional logical operations to be used within/between tags.

  • Guest
    Jun 23, 2021

    We have started to really standardize on tags to maximize the value of feedback company-wide. I'll need to do a funky export thing and a bunch of tag fields to make this happen.

  • Marcie Millenbach
    May 24, 2021

    Yes, we too would LOVE this function to support our alignment efforts across organizations. We created a multi-select tag field to track organizational commitments for annual planning, and now we'd like to report out the list where TWO orgs are aligned on the work (said differently, both tags are present); however, we can't do that without using the same filter twice.

    I even tried a work-around by using a calculation column in list view, but tagging fields aren't supported in calculations.

  • Ken Hargreaves
    Feb 1, 2021

    I too keep hitting this issue. Unable to do a simple filter ( has tag A, not tag B ) for example is very limiting.

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