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Possibility to use one field multiple times in filters (e.g. Start Date of a feature)

Ability to use the same field in filtering multiple times is necessary for this scenario:

“Start date is greater than last month OR Start date IS NULL?”

When do I use this? When I need to show features from release that

  • were either started during last month

  • or are planned to be started in near future (in the same release)

  • or are part of the release and do not have a start date yet

We use quarterly cadence for releases, so this scenario is typically true in the beginning of every quarter.

Yes.. we could workaround it by creating two types of quarterly releases - started features, pending features .. but that would imply complication within reporting set up (many reports, many considerations)

Changing the cadence to monthly is also not a good option for us. I am not saying it would help, but we simply do not have such a cadence (start date is not the only variable in cadence design..).

It seems that solving this might be about allowing to reuse field from any aha entity multiple times in filter configuration globally. Probably going to be more demanding on testing, that it did not affect some parts of code or some outcomes in corner cases as the original design seems to be based on NOT allowing it.

But.. I'm feeling lucky :-).

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