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Please add support for Master Features within the Aha <=> JIRA interface.

Given "Aha! is for the "why" and "what" and JIRA is for the "how."; Master Features are useless unless we can implement them alongside JIRA.

Release time frame 1 month
    Dec 14, 2017

    We have launched an enhanced Jira integration. This integration will allow you to map Aha! master features to epics and other issue types in Jira, along with several other new capabilities including the ability to:

    • Set record mappings for Aha! initiatives, releases, master features, features, and requirements and link them to nearly any corresponding record type
    • Map default or custom fields in Aha! to any “like” field and specify which direction the updates should flow (e.g. from Aha! or from Jira)
    • Automatically send outgoing changes from Aha! or choose to review and approve them
    • Import records directly from Jira to make getting started in Aha! easy
    Check out the blog post for more details.
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    • Guest
      Nov 15, 2017

      Any idea of when this is getting in?  I am almost at a stand still now.  Please help!!!!

    • Guest
      Nov 15, 2017

      I see lots of requests for an ETA and no response. Can you give us some indication please?

    • Guest
      Nov 11, 2017

      Any updates on an ETA for this?

    • Guest
      Oct 26, 2017


    • Annie L
      Sep 28, 2017

      i've just started setting up aha! and an epic to master feature integration is exactly what i'm looking for. hope it ships really soon.

    • Diana Suke
      Sep 22, 2017

      Please, just let us know when approximately it is planned to release master features integration with Jira epics so we can plan acordingly in our company

    • Tim Evans
      Sep 19, 2017

       I hope this will help resolve our integration issues.  Mapping Jira epics to initiatives just doesn't work that well.  They never show any level of completion based on work done in Jira, and they mostly just sit there not taking advantage of what initiatives are meant to be for in Aha.  But the most frustrating thing is that because the integration is entirely keyed on the Initiatives, our Jira epics that span multiple releases constantly have their features remapped to whatever fix version the initiative got associated with first.  Will master features be able to span multiple releases?  If a team splits a story into two in Jira, I can't have Aha moving it to a different release.

    • Wayne Riches
      Sep 19, 2017

      Aha - Can you advise when this is likely to be released please?

      Many Thanks

    • Admin
      Chris Waters
      Sep 18, 2017

      We are getting close to release on the ability to map JIRA Epics to Master features. It is part of a major rework of how integrations operate that we have been working on for quite a few months. 

      The votes in the ideas portal make a difference for features that get shipped - have a look at the popular ideas which have already shipped - it is just that the most popular features also tend to be some of the largest, so they take time to implement :-)

    • Guest
      Sep 18, 2017

      This is pretty urgent for us. Having just set up all the master features as epics in AHA then manually created these epics in JIRA and then manually sorted them all only to watch them all happily re-map back to the original two initiatives at the first sync. . And now, of course, all the dev see presented in the JIRA backlog is everything mapped to one of two EPICS (initiatives) which makes it very difficult to work with as there are no longer that nice level of granularity to group the user stories in understandable chunks of work.  Sigh.......... Just seems to be a lot of duplication with AHA at the moment rather than a nice helpful seamless workflow between the two. Doesn't feel to me as if the ideas portal is very effective as the new stuff getting drip fed out doesn't seem to match the user voting?

    • Brian Stanley
      Aug 16, 2017

      I'd like to ask the same question, any news/update on the planned timeline for this one? Next week looks good!

    • Laura Bednasz
      Jul 24, 2017

      Is there a short term work around for this?  Any way to link an aha master feature to an issue as if it were a feature?

    • Guest
      Jul 19, 2017

      . If Carslberg made product management software they would have integrated and mapped master features to EPICS and called them EPICS. .

    • Corina Toth
      Jul 6, 2017

      When can we expect this integration to be shipped? 

    • Devik Lansing
      Jun 29, 2017

      I see this is marked "planned" This would have a huge benefit for us as well - is there a timeframe you can share?

    • Conner Helton
      Jun 6, 2017

      Agree with all comments here, we have engineers who track major features in JIRA as epics so that each task, requirement, improvement, etc are all associated and grouped nicely. This would be HUGE, I'd +5 vote this if I could!

    • Ksawery Lisinski
      Jun 5, 2017

      When can we expect this integration to be shipped? 

    • Paul Mundy
      Jun 2, 2017

      I agree with original poster and Michael Morrison's comment, I've been racking my brains trying to work with Initiatives and Features, and adding Master Feature is a perfect solution for Aha, but with no JIRA integration it renders the whole thing utterly pointless.

      I get it that we're all iterative and agile and not everyone integrates with JIRA but this was an oversight to not at least immediately produce a planned release date for the integration. It only needs to be a tick box and a drop down. Link EPIC to Initiative or Master Feature. Real simple but resolves a massive headache.

      Thanks in advance

    • Guest
      May 22, 2017

      I agree with this request, but please keep in mind existing integrations. We're currently linking Aha! features to Jira epics, and Aha! requirements to Jira tasks. If that breaks, we're going to be in a world of trouble.

    • Casper Heintzelmann
      May 17, 2017

      Looking forward to see Master Features being available for JIRA integration as Epics! 

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