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Page anchors to link to specific blocks/paragraphs in the text

What is the challenge? Cannot currently create anchors on a page that would allow us to link directly to a paragraph or section What is the impact? On longer pages, users will have to scroll/scan to find what they need after following a link inste...
Jeremy Bruno 11 months ago in Notes 0 Shipped

Workspace hierarchy dropdown to show tooltip on hover

What is the challenge? Due to the length of workspace names, users are not able to see the full name of the workspace currently selected. What is the impact? To confirm which workspace they are in, they need to open the workspace hierarchy. Descri...
Dale Potter 3 months ago in Application 0 Shipped

Turn off Aha Enhancement Broadcasts

Is it possible to turn off the Aha pushed broadcasts to our account? Let me explain why. Over the past couple of years, we have had customization admins accidentally make account level changes that impact the entire account. It causes a tremendous...
Marina Reyna over 5 years ago in Application 14 Shipped

Add ability to import custom fields for To-dos

Who would benefit? Anyone looking to custom field data associated with their to-dos. What impact would it make? Teams can now define custom fields for To-dos within Aha! -- We should allow for teams to include important context captured as custom ...
Ashley Tierney about 1 year ago in To-dos 1 Shipped

Grammarly should work in AHa!

Allow Grammarly to correct spelling and grammar while editing text in Aha! dialog boxes. [It appears they do but alas the changes Grammarly makes are never completed]
Guest over 4 years ago in Application 18 Shipped

Add progress calculation method in list report to enable portfolio data quality monitoring

In order to monitor data quality within our portfolio, it would be useful to add the calculation method (e.g. enter manually, calculate from child objectives, calculate from releases, etc...) in the columns available in list report. This would be ...
Rudy Hallez almost 2 years ago in Reports 1 Shipped

Prevent users from updating fields through bulk edit when set to "read only"

What is the challenge? A set of fields on various records (initiatives, epics and others) are used for financial reporting and should only be editable for a specific set of users. The fields are set as read only in their custom layouts, but can st...
Dale Potter 4 months ago in Account settings 1 Shipped
109 VOTE

Release Gantt with rows/phases that can be ordered for a better visual layout

A release gantt sorts its rows by phase date i.e., phases with earliest starting date are on top, and later start dates at the bottom. This makes visualization for a project with many different departmental tasks difficult and cumbersome. E.g., in...
joost boerhout about 9 years ago in Releases 21 Shipped
111 VOTE

Integration with Smartsheet

Product implementation and execution schedule can be build up with much more detail in smartsheet. A combination of aha! and smartsheet can be a much more powerful tool for our customer.
Guest over 9 years ago in Integrations 24 Shipped
127 VOTE

Week beginning Monday option

Week beginning Sunday is confusing for the non-US market
Guest over 10 years ago in Account settings 22 Shipped