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Created by Marina Reyna
Created on Aug 14, 2019

Turn off Aha Enhancement Broadcasts

Is it possible to turn off the Aha pushed broadcasts to our account? Let me explain why.

Over the past couple of years, we have had customization admins accidentally make account level changes that impact the entire account. It causes a tremendous amount of re-work since the admins believe they are making changes to their views instead of the entire account.

This also will help us understands the enhancements prior to implementation across the entire account.

    Aug 24, 2023

    You can now turn off in-app product announcement pop-up notifications in your personal settings. You will still be able to access all product announcements by navigating to Support (?) —> What’s New so you can explore new functionality and training opportunities at your convenience.

    To change your personal product announcement preferences, navigate to Settings --> Personal --> Profile and toggle the Show announcements setting in the Product Announcements section.

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    • Ralf Heese
      Sep 28, 2023

      I suggest to put the setting on the page Notification Settings because I don't think that users distinguish between notifications and announcements when searching for an option to turn it off.

    • Sophie Ramsden
      Sep 12, 2023

      Whilst I like that this has been implemented, is there a way for admin users to be able to control who receives Aha broadcasts at an account level (not to be confused with broadcasts we can configure under customisations). The steps you describe rely on each user logging in and turning them off themselves and I'm not even sure that applies to the broadcasts pushed by Aha! the company. We had a recent issue where a user picked up on a notification and posted details in a community channel before we, the admin users, had a chance to decide if we wanted to use it or not

    • Carl Nelson
      Jun 28, 2023

      This has proved to be an issue inside our organisation as well with staff asking if we can pay for Aha so they don't have to see the adverts, we pay a huge amount already and for our staff to be in a position thinking that the product we have invested in and is driving our internal development strategy and transformation, is not being paid for and is some form of "Freemium" application is a concern!

    • Nigel Lawrence
      Mar 16, 2023

      +1 for my organisation too.
      This is not just annoying for the vast majority of users, it is also confusing if they are being told about feature/function that is neither understood, relevant or possibly even available to them.
      I'd like to see controlled alerts to account admins to these pop ups can be acted upon in a way that is appropriate to the specific account.

    • Paul F
      Dec 13, 2022

      The in-app Aha product update notification modals are extremely annoying, intrusive (extremely large), and block app functionality. They alway seem to come up at the worst time, and the "x" icon can be difficult to see, making it extra frustrating to dismiss the notification for newer users. Plus you can't dismiss the modal by clicking anywhere outside the modal like you would expect.

      For a product built for product managers, this is just horrible product design and degrades the quality of the product experience. I don't need to know in the app when there's a new webinar, blog post, etc. from Aha. I just need to use the app to do my work. This request has been open for over 3 years now, just fix it already for the sake of your users. Not addressing it doesn't reflect well on the product.

      Speaking now to the other users frustrated with this "feature" of Aha, if you use uBlock Origin in your browser, add the following custom filter to block the element entirely:
    • Guest
      Jul 19, 2021

      Every time I show my project roadmap to somebody, I have to dismiss a training announcement, interrupting our work. This causes bad feelings about my roadmap, and also about Aha.

    • Sridhar Kalluri
      Jun 30, 2021

      Since 99% of the users doesn't need to know about the changes or training that you guys offer, as we send out our own communications. It generates unnecessary noise by showing them the training that most of them doesn't have approval to sign-up.

    • Tessa Adair
      Jun 25, 2021

      I will add that I do like the notifications for new features, but not the ones for training. To be frank, I'm not interested in your training, particularly not at that price point.

    • Boris Hurinek
      Mar 15, 2021

      I fully agree with some of the earlier comments; I use Aha to do my job and I am finding these notifications distracting. The popups are very intrusive, drawing my attention away from what I came to do in Aha. If we were using a free software, this level of advertising to generate revenue would be appropriate, but not in a commercial product.

    • Guest
      Sep 28, 2020

      Please provide the ability to permanently disable broadcasts. At the very least, give the ability to permanently dismiss ads for training. Each time I login I have to dimiss this to use the product.

    • Guest
      Jul 23, 2020

      The popups are really frustrating. It is not like they disappear if you ignore them either, they are large, persistant and require me to deal with them everytime I log in.

      They are always just a sales pitch for expensive training courses that I am not interested in. To put it as politely as I can, I believe my company spent a lot of money on this product, getting additional hard upselling seems harsh considering your marketing approach is pitched as funny/friendly.

      One of the other comments here asking for the ability for admins to post notifications to their users makes sense, however if it is not possible to filter the notifications and turn off the sales pitches, the admin's messages will be ignored by users.

    • Marina Reyna
      Mar 18, 2020

      This will help us so we can get ahead of the advancements and training.

    • Jill Collins
      Mar 12, 2020

      I'd also like to turn off these popup broadcasts for Reviewers - mostly the broadcasts are things that they wont have access to, it causes confusion for them. It also causes annoyance - in that they have to always close out these irrelevant (to them) popups, before they can look at what they were intending to in Aha.

    • Mike Jacobson
      Sep 17, 2019

      In addition, it would be nice if we (The internal Administrators) to have the ability to add comments to a Broadcast with in internal communication update regarding the broadcast, i.e. add our internal comment in addition to the Broadcast informing our user base of additional information about the broadcast.

    • +1
    1 MERGED

    Opt-out from notifications about features and events

    How do I opt-out from receiving notification about features and event?
    Ralf Heese over 1 year ago in Account settings 0 Shipped
    9 MERGED

    Silence obtrusive "new features" pop-up notifications

    These pop-ups are pretty useless for users just trying to use the existing product feature and are annoyingly frequent.
    Guest over 2 years ago in Application 1 Shipped
    4 MERGED

    Disable broadcast notifications

    I have multiple Aha! windows open at all times, when a broadcast message is shown I have to close this in all windows which can be invasive and annoying. I would like the ability to disable these.
    Guest over 4 years ago in  0 Shipped
    4 MERGED

    System broadcast messages - unsubscribe

    I regularly see system broadcast messages for Aha! Academy training - please could you provide a method to opt out of this this type of Aha! generated system broadcast?
    Tom Bailey about 4 years ago in Application 0 Shipped
    2 MERGED

    Disable the pop-up notifications/ads

    Hello, How can the pop-up notifications be disabled (e.g. Register Now for Aha Academy Tutorials) when starting Aha in the browser? I couldn't find a way to turn them off. These notifications, I prefer calling them advertisements, are really annoy...
    Guest almost 2 years ago in Application 0 Shipped
    17 MERGED

    Allow me to dismiss the new feature announcement and select 'read later'

    Each week when there is a new feature, the banner is on my screen. Many times, I want to read it, but have to do something else first. I would like to be able to select 'read later' and have the link to the new announcement saved.
    Deleted User about 6 years ago in Comments / Notifications 1 Shipped