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My ideas: Wanted

Showing 82 of 9167

API to get plan details for an account

We're working on an integration where we'd like to know the plan name for the product. For example we'd like to distinguish whether the plan is Ideas Advanced or Ideas Essentials. On the similar lines we'd also like to know for Roadmaps the plan n...
Guest about 4 years ago in Wanted 1 Future consideration

Have the PERT Chart

Hi, Is it possible to have the PERT chart based on the Gantt chart created for a product ? With that it will be more easy to work on the critical path. Thank you.
Guest about 6 years ago in Wanted 0 Future consideration

Make it possible to embed aha pages in iframe

Our product team has just started using aha to keep track of product development. Mean time in the individual teams we are free to choose what ever tool we like and fits our needs, and for that I've chosen have a feature where you...
Guest over 6 years ago in Wanted 1 Already exists

Integrate with Prezi!

Maybe this more of a product idea for Prezi team, but it would be very cool to be able to embed Aha! views and notebooks within a Prezi. Maybe there is already? The business value would be able to convey complex visual concepts (prezi) mixed with ...
Guest almost 7 years ago in Wanted 0 Will not implement

Allow Scheduler for Integration Config to schedule New integrations.

Currently, new integration setups need to be manually created before scheduler can be utilized. For cases where clients want off hour activation of certain configuration, it would be highly beneficial to allow new integrations to be scheduled as w...
Guest over 2 years ago in Integrations / Wanted 0 Future consideration

API access for links, generally

A previous idea of mine requests access for when Master Features are mapped as dependencies against Features, or vice versa. That one is a showstopper for my firm. However, it turns out that linking, say, an Idea against a Feature is also inaccess...
Frank Siler about 5 years ago in Wanted 0 Future consideration

Make Release Notes easier to digest

Currently, enhancements are all listed together. Hidden in the text, you can usually find an "Availble with Enterprise+" or similar. But it's time consuming, and annoying to read about an enhancement, and then find out it's not relevant to your pa...
Julie Edwards over 2 years ago in Wanted 0 Future consideration

Integrate with Connectwise

Our company uses ConnectWise for scheduling work and managing staffs time.
Guest about 9 years ago in Wanted 0 Unlikely to implement

enhanced Kanban workflow - Similar to leankit or swiftkanban

we are in the process of switching over to Swiftkanban as the kanban board is great to use and allows us to create end to end workflow. We will more than likely continue to use AHA for strategy but ideally we are looking for a single solution that...
Guest about 9 years ago in Wanted 2 Already exists

Logical organization of files or file tags / labels for easy access

When I have more than 10 pages of files associated to a project the file area becomes difficult manage and almost impossible to find items. I have a couple of suggestions. File Tags if we could color code and tag files with keywords similar to...
Guest about 6 years ago in Wanted 0 Unlikely to implement