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Receive all personal Aha! notifications in Slack

The current slack integration is not meeting our needs. To my knowledge, you can filter the activity stream based upon the person, so only that person's actions are sent to slack. What at we need is for all email notifications to be routed to slac...
Guest about 8 years ago in Slack 2 Future consideration

Expose todos via webhook/Slack integration

I'd like to export (or even better: sync) my Aha todos with Todoist via or Zapier supports the webhook API, but To-dos are not listed a record type for which a callback can be done.
Tako Bruinsma about 8 years ago in Slack / To-dos 0 Future consideration

Slack Channels for Features

It would be very helpful to have Slack Channels per Feature. At this moment all changes in features comes to the same channel, mixing information from different features that affect different groups. Therefore, having the ability to create an int...
Pablo Antolín over 8 years ago in Slack 6 Likely to implement

Improve Content of Slack Notifications

Currently Aha notifications in Slack are not very human readable. For instance, when requirements are added the product, feature name and the description are not present. It's impossible unless you're the author to know what the requirement relate...
Guest almost 9 years ago in Slack 9 Likely to implement