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Add Boolean Field mapping for Rally 2.0 Integration

Currently, there is no way to map Boolean fields in Rally to Predefined Choice fields in Aha. A Boolean field in Rally can only be mapped to a text field or a few other options like Aha Rank, and can only bring the data from Rally to Aha, not the ...
Stephen McAdams over 2 years ago in Rally 0 Future consideration

Calculated mapping of number fields in integration with Jira

We would like to specify a conversion factor or formula to map numeric fields between Jira and Aha! numeric fields, especially a Jira number field and Aha!'s Original Estimate field. This would allow us to enter hours into a Jira number field whic...
Jor Bratko over 2 years ago in Jira 0 Future consideration

Provide the ability to map the Release field from a Feature or Epic to an external system such as ADO

Given that AHA is all about releases and ADO is all about time lines, the concept of a Release in AHA is quite different than what exist in ADO - yet there is a Target Release field in ADO as well as in the Feature of AHA - please can this be expo...
Dirk K almost 4 years ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 1 Future consideration

App for Domo

App/integration for pulling in data into Domo:
Dan Reno almost 9 years ago in Wanted 1 Unlikely to implement

Allow mapping of sub-subtasks

My organization has our Asana projects set up such that "sub-subtasks" would map to "requirements" in Aha. So basically, task = master feature, sub-task = feature, and sub-subtask = requirement. I know this may be somewhat of an uncommon mapping, ...
Guest over 6 years ago in Asana 0 Future consideration

Import Ideas from Trello

We have an board in Trello that served as our Ideas portal. We would like to directly import that into the Ideas list in Aha, not the Features list. We would like to have all the same ability to map all fields from Trello as exists with Features i...
Guest over 6 years ago in Trello 0 Future consideration

Apply "Update records" to a subset of records in an integration

The "Update records" function is very useful when Aha! Roadmaps becomes out of sync with my development tool- I can use it to bulk-update all of my linked records to make sure they are up to date with Jira. But, there is risk inherent in this kind...
Reilly O'Connor over 2 years ago in Integrations 0 Future consideration

Track dependencies in Pivotal Tracker using Blockers

How this would work: If an Aha ticket has "depends on" links Add the Pivotal Tracker ID for each Depended on ticket in AHA that has already been pushed to Pivotal Tracker blocker sections See PT API document here:
Kelly Kampen over 7 years ago in Pivotal Tracker 0 Unlikely to implement

Limit workspace users choice to 1 user instead of multiple (like the Assigned to) field

I need to add the workspace users as a custom field in my template and currently it doesn't limit to just one user, it allows multiple users which I cannot have. Can we have an option to make it a single choice only. in the attached graphic is the...
Stacy Monnahan over 2 years ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 0 Future consideration

MarvelApp integration to Aha!

We have in my organisation started to use MarvelApp for Wireframe and UI designs for our products. MarvelApp can already today integrate to JIRA but as I am using Aha for the Backlog and backlog refinement and JIRA for the sprint backlog I would p...
Guest almost 8 years ago in Integrations 0 Already exists