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My votes: Reports

Showing 960 of 8642

Add indicator to reports when a "Default view" is being viewed

Who would benefit? Users utilizing "Default views" in their workspaces for multiple reports. What impact would it make? When clicking between different variants of similar views such as lists/pivots/charts, or pulling up many different reports in ...
Maria Plotkina 3 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Fit Dashboard Chart labels to the length of the label better

Who would benefit? Everyone who uses charts on their dashboards. What impact would it make? The dashboard that you're presenting to management would look much better! How should it work? When adding the Show Legend option to a chart widget on a da...
Guest 3 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Add "Workflow approval groups" in workspace settings to reporting

Who would benefit? people like myself that administer Aha! to my organization What impact would it make? easier to check the ingrity of these reviewers to ensure our most critical workflows are being managed properly How should it work? like other...
Kim Heuer 3 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Allow 'watermark' or other customization of views published as webpages

Who would benefit? External stakeholders accessing published views of reports What impact would it make? Ensure security of webpages published views if screen grabbed How should it work? In the 'share as webpage' dialog add ability to upload JPEG/...
James L 4 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

call out value/total on donut graph

Who would benefit? All graphs users What impact would it make? Make graphs more easily understood /contextual How should it work? in a donut/cirlce graph please input a text box/calc in the center that displays the total of the population represented
Mary Vanausdale 5 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Please do not use color coding to show milestones, that are also in traffic lights

Who would benefit? Everyone What impact would it make? not be confused with a color that has no meaning in this case, but in other cases it has How should it work? Just not use red, yellow and green, or nearby colors such as orange. Use blue or so...
Guest 5 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Filter by multi-select field "is null" in custom filter functions

Who would benefit? Reports for auditing purposes What impact would it make? Allow custom functions to flag "is null" for multi-select fields that don't contain data. Currently unable to build custom functions for this type of field. How should it ...
Emily Millman 7 months ago in Reports 1 Already exists

Show status for features in active releases on retrospective report

When reviewing an active release via the release retrospective report, I want to see the current status of incomplete features so I have a better sense of how close to completion they are.
Jeff Tucker 7 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Show unresolved dependencies in retrospective report

When I'm viewing the progress of an active release via the retrospective report, I want to see any open dependencies for features in the release so I can proactively work to address them.
Jeff Tucker 7 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Add 'epic, feature, requirement' to reporting elements for Roadmaps

The 'epic, feature, requirement element' is available when creating views for an account with Develop enabled. It would be helpful to enable this for Roadmaps only accounts as well. This would provide more flexibility with reporting. Including a b...
Kristina Gass 8 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration