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Possibility to have definition of start and end date for the release on the create release screen

In the create release form there is no start and end date. I think that having the option to define these dates would be more user friendly and help in faster configuring the phases afterwards (their dates).
Dejan Kocic over 7 years ago in Releases 1 Future consideration

Include Feature Template when creating Features from Story Map

The default feature template appears when adding a new feature from everywhere in aha except when creating features from the story map view. The description appears blank. This is a problem because we are transferring our story maps into aha and l...
Allie Tindall over 5 years ago in Features 3 Future consideration

Measure feature cycle time

As a VP of Product, I'd like to be able to generate a report that takes the initial creation date for a feature, the “delivered” or “deployed” date for a feature, and average that for all deployed features to see our average cycle time for feature...
Evan Paul about 8 years ago in Reports 3 Already exists

"Make everything OK" button on feature that triggers insert/update/delete/move JIRA->AHA

Hello, it would be very helpful if in scenario, where aha records are linked to dev tool records (e.g. JIRA), there would be a possibility to trigger full record update for a single record. Example: integrations config: Features linked to Epics in...
Daniel Pokrývka over 5 years ago in Jira 10 Future consideration

Allow users to delete their Aha! account

It seems that atm when a user (idea creator) wishes to remove his user from Aha! he can't do it without contacting the Aha! support team and they have to contact the ideas portal owner (us) to remove and delete the user. Why not have this opting i...
Or Manor over 1 year ago in User management 1 Already exists

Make Requirements data available for hierarchy report.

The hierarchy report is very useful, however it could be improved by making requirements data available also.
Brian Stanley about 8 years ago in Reports 1 Unlikely to implement

Completing a to-do should mark the "assigned you a to-do" notification as read

If I have complete a to-do, my “PERSON assigned you a to-do” notification should be marked as read if it is not already.Right now, I work through my to-dos then come to notifications and have to go through them all again and mark as read.
Jessica Groff over 6 years ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

View Reports on Mobile App

Having the ability to view reports on the mobile app would increase functionality & efficiency.
Guest about 6 years ago in Mobile / Reports 0 Future consideration

Hiding Record ID from Initiative Drop Down in Epic (or other record)

Hello. I would like to be able to hide the record ID from the drop down of the Initiative field in an Epic or other record type. It is not easy to read the list of initiatives, and most people are not calling a project (initiative) by an auto-gene...
Guest about 2 years ago in Epic 1 Future consideration

Remove archived goals from Roll-up Workspace Goals Dropdown

In the roll-up workspace goals, the drop down list includes even archived goals (archived by timespan). In idea this was resolved for standard goals, but not for roll-up goals. It would be nice to be able t...
Guest about 2 years ago in Application 0 Future consideration