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Separate Employee & Client Visibility in the Ideas Portal

When my co-workers submit their product gripes on our internal ideas portal, I want it to be internally visible only by default.
Ross Reynolds (External) almost 10 years ago in User management 6 Already exists

Have due dates for goals

I want to set a lot of goals for the product and the product team. I associate these with iniatibes, which are like company / product objectives. Iniatives can have dates (start & end), but Goals do not, just a text-based time frame. I wou...
Guest over 7 years ago in Strategy 1 Already exists

Moving a master feature to a new release should give me the option to move the sub-features

At the end of a release, if a master feature has not been completed, I have to move it to the following release. I would like to be able to do this in prep for shipping the release. However then I also need to move the sub-features to their approp...
Guest over 7 years ago in Features 0 Already exists

Default "New User" permissions

If a user logs in using the Google authentication for the first time, what will he/she be. Product Owner? Reviewer? Or something else. How can an admin setup the default role for new users. It will be great if this feature can be provided to admin...
Guest almost 10 years ago in Features 0 Already exists

Configure Tags: Ability to Merge and Archive Tags

Tags can be used in reporting and filtered against. However, there is an ability to have the same tag listed multiple times or named slightly different because of case sensitivity. If I use a tag "Impact" for 5 features, but there are a 2 features...
Guest over 7 years ago in Application 4 Already exists

SSO restricts the ability to use preferred names

At our company we are using SSO to log into AHA. Our SSO takes the name directly from our HR tools where employees tend to use their "legal" name, instead of their "preferred" name for payroll purposes. But AHA takes the first and last name from S...
Guest over 2 years ago in Account settings 0 Already exists

Provide sorting capability for custom fields (tags and Choice lists)

We have a large client list and when a feature has been requested by a client, we associate the client to the feature. With a long list of clients, being able to sort the Alphabetically (ascending/descending) would make choosing the Clients far ea...
Jerrold Emery over 7 years ago in Account settings 1 Already exists

Add Features of a previous Release to another Release

We're currently release in batches. We're having monthly releases that are delivered to our customers through our Marketplace. Every 3-6 Months we're having a cumulated release where all the features since the last cumulated release are included -...
Fabian Henzler almost 10 years ago in Releases 2 Already exists

Drag & Drop Prioritization for Initiatives

My company & SLT desperately needs the new re-order capability at the Initiative Level. The ability to quickly drag & drop Inititatives across all products in the correct order & report on it would save so much time/money since we are ...
Guest almost 5 years ago in Strategy 1 Already exists

In the features list I would like to be able to filter out "Parking lot" features

Currently it's hard to tell which features are in the parking lot and which are in "active" releases with dates. I tried using release dates but it's not very effective.
Guest almost 10 years ago in Features 4 Already exists