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Allow management of users I create after removing from Workspace I am Owner of.

Dear Aha! UX team, I created two users and then lost them as I was attempting to move them to the correct Workspace. There was no indication that I would lose management access of those user accounts once removed. Thanks, Vinnie
Guest over 2 years ago in User management 0 Future consideration

Ability to handle calculation fields when converting to chart

Creating a chart report from a list report with calculation fields results in columns being removed from the list report if you change the axes/labels once generated. At the moment, the first 2 columns of the list view need to be set to reflect th...
Guest over 2 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Epic filter on strategic roadmap

Strategic roadmaps are incredibly useful, thanks to the ability to drag epics/features, adjust timelines, and display dependencies. However, they lack a fundamental feature: the ability to filter by epics/features, which are a main recordtype disp...
Gianmarco Spiga over 2 years ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

release calendar - configure which date builds the calendar

Today the release calendar is built on due dates, but we would like to be able to use different dates to build out our calendars. For example, we track dates for code complete, early access programs, and market launch. It would be great to build a...
Veronica Melin over 2 years ago in Calendar 0 Future consideration

Improve Login Experience

NONE OF THE CATEGORIES APPLIES, SO I SELECTED THE LAST ONE I'd like to share my login experience. Maybe it can be used to improve it. Expected Go to Click Login. This should result in a screen that allows me to login using credentials, or w...
Guest over 2 years ago in Application 1 Future consideration

Allow the 'Will Not Do' Status Category to be Shipped

We use the default 'Abandon' status for Releases, which is a 'will not do' category. This is logical for Releases you are no longer planning to do, however, when you 'Ship' that Release, Aha! automatically updates the status to a different one cat...
Guest about 5 years ago in Releases 2 Already exists

Add a note field for Admins for Layouts (like there is already for Workflows)

As an Aha Admin, I find myself building several different flavors of Layouts and Custom Tables. When I come back (say) 6 months later, I don't the details as to why I created a certain Layout/Workflow or who may have asked for that particular conf...
Joe Carpenter almost 8 years ago in Account settings 0 Unlikely to implement

Add ability to display a release description/note on the release plan gantt

Would really like to be able to include a brief descriptor or note within the gantt release plan - specifically for presentations and interdepartmental communication, the release name does not give enough description for most people to properly di...
Guest over 2 years ago in Releases 1 Already exists

Idea Votes Reporting to Add Filter on Organization

We have key customers that want to know how many ideas they created and how many votes they have added. I am trying to capture the number of votes an organization has voted on an idea, but I can't filter by org for this information.
Sara Olson over 2 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Extend saved views to Strategy > Initiatives

I'm trying to put together a presentation with different filter settings for the Strategy > Initiatives "Chart View". In our case this tells a nice story as we filter by time frames, as initiatives in the short term are "hard" and not necessari...
Guest about 5 years ago in Strategy 2 Unlikely to implement