As an Aha Admin, I find myself building several different flavors of Layouts and Custom Tables. When I come back (say) 6 months later, I don't the details as to why I created a certain Layout/Workflow or who may have asked for that particular configuration. Thus, I have to keep separate documentation that acts a version document of sorts.
What I'd like to request is that for Layouts, that the Description functionality be added to that screen. This would be for Admin use only, and would serve as a note taking field so that the Admin (or the Admin's successor) would have some explanation as to the why behind what they are looking at.
This functionality already exists for Workflows and for Custom Tables, but seems to be missing for Layouts.
(Edit - added attachments)
Thank you for the idea. Given the low volume of support for this idea, we do not have plans to make updates in this area at this time. We hope you can understand.