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Notify Idea Submitters that their Idea has been Turned Into a Feature. Notify a second Time when that idea has been released

There is no transparency for submitting ideas and watching them be pushed to production for non developer folks. If someone submits an idea they should be notified when:

  • It is converted to a Feature
  • It receives the status "will not implement"
  • The feature is pushed to Production/ Shipped

Everyone loves seeing their ideas come to fruition and it's important that stakeholders have a clear and transparent view into the process. It also saves the manual effort of having to reach out to the idea submitter and letting them know the status. 


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    • Danny Archer
      Mar 17, 2015


      What Chris said is still true and there is not a defect.

      There are two fundamental types of users in Aha!

      - Aha! Users

      -Ideas users

      Aha! users can be added as watchers. Ideas users can be added as voters.

      Someone that submitted the idea to the portal or voted on the idea do not show up in Aha! as watchers. They do show up in Aha! as voters on the idea if you click the voters link on the idea.

      Voters & submitters on ideas automatically get updated on changes to the status if you have configured you custom statuses correctly. As described in the article Chris linked, there is a "Status category" - the category is specifically what kicks off the built in notification system within Aha!, e.g - already exists, will not implement, in progress, Shipped.

      There is another issue altogether that you voted on today:

      That is specifically for if I add myself as a watcher to an idea that the watcher status gets passed to the feature if the idea is promoted. This is so an Aha! user can actively mark themselves as a watcher on an idea they care about and keep informed of all descriptions/comments/etc that might occur on the feature once it has been promoted.


    • Max Chanoch
      Mar 16, 2015

      Can you confirm that the watchers issue is a defect?

    • Max Chanoch
      Mar 16, 2015
      Each time an Idea is submitted it goes into the "Idea" portal it is assumed that the status will be watched or montiored from the Ideas section.
      In truth - if the Idea is confirmed for development - it immediately moves to a feature. That feature does not have the Idea Submitter as a watcher - and there is no notification when this feature is pushed to Production. The two sections should be talking with one another, it will cut work in half and promote greater transparency. 
      If there is a conflict of interest with idea Users becoming Watchers - there should be a special rule where they are notified when any of the three actions occur: Promoting to a feature, will not be implemented, pushed to Production/ Shipped (and any other good use case). 
    • Max Chanoch
      Mar 16, 2015

      Also - users who submit ideas are *not* being added as Watchers

      [image: Inline image 1]

    • Max Chanoch
      Mar 16, 2015

      Hi Chris,

      The notification system as set up by Aha! does not meet the needs. Allow me
      to describe.

      Each time an Idea is submitted it goes into the "Idea" portal - and Aha!
      assumes we should be moving or monitoring the status there.

      In truth - if the Idea is confirmed for development - it immediately moves
      to a feature. That feature has no watchers:

      [image: Inline image 1]

      This workflow dictates that I must maintain an Idea status from two places
      - moving or changing the status as it moves through development. This
      represents replicated workflow and no follow through - ideas and features
      should be connected one to one.

      Does that make sense?



    • Admin
      Chris Waters
      Mar 16, 2015

      These notifications are exactly how ideas work today. Users who submit ideas through the portal will receive notifications when the status changes.

      You can read more about notifications here:

      Aha! users can watch an idea in order to see the same changes (and more). If an Aha! user creates an idea within Aha! (not in an idea portal) then they will automatically be made a watcher of the idea.