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Status Future consideration
Categories Ideas
Created by Jeanette Resnikoff
Created on Oct 6, 2020

Notifications for bulk edits to ideas

Ideas subscribers are not notified about status changes to ideas when the ideas are edited in bulk. It would be helpful to:

  1. Receive a warning when bulk editing idea statuses that subscribers will not be notified of these changes

  2. Or, have the option to choose to send notifications to idea subscribers

Additionally, it would be helpful to be able to validate the "last few" notifications a portal user may have received in a log.

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  • Guest
    Jun 19, 2024

    If the option to notify when editing statuses in bulk becomes a thing, having the ability for 1 notification per user, even if subscribed to multiple ideas that have been updated, would be of need. This way, if a user is subscribed to 10 ideas that are having a status change, they don't get inundated with notifications, but still receiving full context.

  • Teresa Bever
    Jan 23, 2023

    I would like to bulk edit idea statuses to Released and have all subscribers notified of the update. There are other cases where I don't want to notify subscribers. Ideally, there would be an option to send notifications and the default would be to not send the notifications (because there are times when you don't want to notify them and it could dangerous to assume that you want to send the notifications).

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